• No results found

Two key suggestions arise for further research from this study.

1. A study into the activities, constitutions and motivations of church choir singers in Norway would give insight and understanding as to how choirs can contribute to the cultural and spiritual life of the church.

2. A detailed study into the music of the Latin schools in Norway would also be of great interest in considering historical Norwegian works that could be

incorporated into the Evensong repertoire. Ludvig Mathias Lindeman’s

republishing of the Goudimel-Chorales in Norwegian is one example, as well as Mogens Pedersen’s Pratum Spirituale.


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8 Appendices

Appendix A:

Examples of Phos Hilaron from other sources 1. Example from Lutheran Vespers

Joyous light of glory of the immortal Father, Heavenly, holy, blessed Jesus Christ,

We have come to the setting of the Sun And we look to the evening light.

We sing to God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

You are worthy of being praised with pure voices forever.

O Son of God, O Giver of life, The universe proclaims your glory.

2. Example from the 1979 AMERICAN BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER

Also used by the 1985 Anglican Church in Canada Book of Alternative Services.

O gracious Light,

pure brightness of the ever-living Father in heaven, O Jesus Christ, holy and blessed!

Now as we come to the setting of the sun, and our eyes behold the vesper light,

we sing your praises, O God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

You are worthy at all times to be praised by happy voices, O Son of God, O Giver of life,

and to be glorified through all the worlds.


3. An example of Phos Hilaron paraphrased into a hymn in The New English Hymnal, (1986)

O gladsome light, O grace Of God the Father's face, The eternal splendour wearing;

Celestial, holy, blest, Our Saviour Jesus Christ, Joyful in thine appearing.

Now, ere day fadeth quite, We see the evening light, Our wonted hymn outpouring;

Father of might unknown, Thee, his incarnate Son, And Holy Spirit adoring.

To thee of right belongs All praise of holy songs, O Son of God, Lifegiver;

Thee, therefore, O Most High, The world doth glorify,

And shall exalt for ever.


Appendix B:

A Charles Goudimel chorale as presented in L.M.Lindeman’s chorale book 1877. One of nine others. The melody is in the tenor part.