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Future Work

10.8 Weighted Sampling

In this thesis we attempted to sample each second for one minute one minute before the fault, and one second each minute an hour leading up to the fault. Other sampling methods should be tested out, one suggestion is a weighted sampling method, where the duration between each sample gets longer as the samples gets farther away from when the fault occurs. One example could be to sample every second one minute prior to the fault, then every other second the minute before that, every third second the minute before that, and so forth.

Chapter 11


We conclude this thesis by answering the research questions presented in Chapter 1.

RQ1:To what extent do there exist differentiable structures in the data?

Section 7.5 revealed the most differentiable structure in the data to be the origin node.

When looking at the wave up until the fault for a single node, ground faults and power interruptions were both found to be noticeably unique, and separated from the rest of the observations. Voltage sags did not share this characteristic to as high a degree, and tended to group up with non-faults. This relation came up again in our experiments, where voltage sags tended to be the hardest to differentiate from non-faults, even in Experiments 9 and 10, which included data up until the occurrence of the fault.

The fact that the most differentiable structure in the data is the origin nodes, suggests that the classifying models used in the EarlyWarn project ought to take into account the origin of the retrieved data, ways to do this was suggested in Section 10.3. The faults reported and the distribution of the reported faults for each node vary significantly, as noted in Section 7.1.4. This when combined with the apparent differences between the different nodes, can create significant bias in classifiers if not taken into consideration.

RQ2: Which data representations are the most useful for predicting faults in the power grid?

There are many different ways of representing wave signals, the Fourier transform is one natural choice as the data in theory should be a stationary sinus wave with noise in the form of harmonics which can be used to identify the occurring faults. The wavelet transform is another representation which in some ways is an improvement of the Fourier transform and has shown a lot of promise as discussed in Chapter 5. There is also the option of using the raw wave as is, and the RMS values. In regard to the raw wave a sampling frequency

has to be chosen which will decide how accurately the wave is represented.

Our results from Experiments 1 through 3 showed that aggregating values based on the raw waveform, rather than the Fourier transform and RMS values of the wave, gave the best results. Experiment 4 revealed that aggregation, rather than wavelets, gave better results.

Experiment 6 showed some positive impact of sampling at higher frequencies, but for the noise which is present in higher frequencies to be captured in the aggregated values, more suited aggregation methods than max, min, mean, STD and SNR is needed. In Experiment 3 it was shown that looking at fewer samples of the wave over one hour contains better classifying information than looking at the full minute one minute before the occurrence of the fault.

In sum, the data representation which is most useful for predicting faults in the power grid appears to be aggregated values of the wave form over longer time intervals at high frequencies, given that the aggregated values manage to express the presence of eventual noise, or are invariant to frequency when this is not the case.

RQ3:How long before faults occur does the signal contain information which differenti-ates them from normal behavior?

To be able to predict the faults it is useful to know when the faults first start to appear in the wave signal and if there are some specific time intervals in which they are more visible. The results from Experiments 9 and 10 showed that it is somewhat possible to predict faults looking at the signal up to 50 minutes before the fault occurred, but that it got easier to predict as data from time intervals closer to the fault were included. Based on this, it seems like some faults start to show themselves at least 50 minutes before they occur, but that the strongest traits appear closer to the actual occurrence of the faults. This means that even though it is not reliable to predict faults looking only at time intervals long before the fault occurs, those intervals still contain useful information. This could be better taken advantage of by using a weighed scheme as suggested in Section 10.8.

RQ4:What prediction performances are achievable using machine learning methods?

We evaluate the most promising machine learning methods discussed in Chapter 5: Ran-dom forest,k-NN, CatBoost, SVM, FFNN and CNN. Looking at the results from all the experiments done, random forest and CatBoost have had the overall best performances.

SVM has without question performed the worst. Feedforward neural network have had some okay scores, but have mostly been outshone by random forest and CatBoost. For Experiments 1 through 4 all of the classifiers had one top score each, even though SVM’s top score was for power interruptions which is not that trustworthy because of the lacking data-set size. Looking at different frequencies in Experiments 5 through 8, and differ-ent forecast horizons in Experimdiffer-ents 9 and 10, the top scores were mostly split between random forest and CatBoost. For wavelet scattering, CatBoost and feedforward neural net-work performed the best. For the wavelet transform spectograms we only tried CNN, but as the wavelet transform was not able to capture any useful features we cannot say much about its performance.

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NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering Department of Computer Science

Master ’s thesis

Power Wave Analysis and Prediction of