11.3 Simulations in OLGA
12.1.4 Wax tables
The deposition of wax on pipeline walls is a common problem in the oil and gas industry. Wax formation happens at low temperatures, as hydrocarbons containing wax molecules deposit these on the pipe wall. According toBratland(2010), these deposits tend to build up, and may cause many of the same problems as hydrate formation.
If simulating wax depositions in OLGA, data for wax properties must be provided in a separate wax table file. PVTsim can generate these files, and the structure is similar to that of the fluid property tables. NeqSim has the potential to generate wax tables. The content of wax molecules in the hydrocarbons could be acquired from the thermodynamic library in NeqSim. Some wax flash functions for the eventual wax depositions in the simulations are already implemented in the NeqSim scripts (Bjortuft,2014).
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The OLGA HD Module
Considering two phase flow and simplifying slightly by neglecting the possibility of partial flash back flow, allows the expression for the gas and liquid wall friction to be written as
ρU2=F(Re,ks,h,τi,K) (A.1) The functionF represents an integral of the velocity distribution over the flow area. The wall friction, EquationA.1, depends on the Reynolds number,Re, and wall roughnessks, as in single-phase flow. In addition, there is a dependency on the interface frictionτi, layer heighthand the turbulence parameterK. The turbulence parameter is given by
K = νTi
κui∗h (A.2)
representing the eddy viscosity, νTi , at the interface, scaled by the interfacial friction velocity u∗i =p
|τi|/ρand layer heighth. κ≈0.41 is the von Kármán constant. The interfacial friction is given by
sg n(τi)p
|τi| =Φ(Reg,ks,hg,Kg)Ug−Φ(Rel,ks,hl,Kl)Ul Ψ(Kg)/pρg+Ψ(Kl)/pρl
(A.3) wherehg =D−hl. The functionsΦandΨrepresent integrals of the velocity distribution over the interface. The interface friction, EquationA.3, depends on the bulk velocities, phase den-sities, Reynolds number and interfacial turbulence levels of both layers in addition to the wall roughness and holdup (D.Biberg et al.,2015).
Altogether this yields a consistent set of expressions for wall and interface frictions and velocity shape factors comprising a three dimension flow description at one dimension evaluation speed (Schlumberger,2013).
Additional Viscosity Information
B.1 Viscosity of Aqueous TEG, Begum et al. (2012)
Figure B.1: Calculated liquid viscosities of weight fractions 0 to 1 of TEG in aqueous solution compared to experimental data at atmospheric pressure and 35◦C,Begum et al.(2012).
Figure B.2: Calculated liquid viscosities of weight fractions 0 to 1 of TEG in aqueous solution compared to experimental data at atmospheric pressure and 40◦C,Begum et al.(2012).
Figure B.3: Calculated liquid viscosities of weight fractions 0 to 1 of TEG in aqueous solution compared to experimental data at atmospheric pressure and 45◦C,Begum et al.(2012).
Figure B.4: Calculated liquid viscosities of weight fractions 0 to 1 of TEG in aqueous solution compared to experimental data at atmospheric pressure and 50◦C,Begum et al.(2012).