• No results found

As the truncation attacks described in this report also rely on existing flaws in application logic, the responsibility on preventing them falls on web designers and developers. When realizing that most of these web browsers are incapable of preventing certain types of truncation attacks, the breadth of this report was widened to include a suggestion for a generic method to avoid truncation attacks from a web developer’s point of view. This generic method is unique for this report in the sense that it shows how easily a very simple web application can be both insecure and secure against truncation attacks with just a couple of adjustments. All that is needed is a basic understanding of how TLS and truncation attacks on TLS connections work.

7.3 Future Work

TLS is a protocol that is under continuous development. With regards to future work, it would be interesting to investigate if the truncation attacks on TLSv1.2 described in this report would still be valid when the new version of TLS (TLSv1.3 [27]) is used for application security. TLSv1.3, however, is a pending draft, but a world wide deployment would probably occur by the end of 2016.

By recreating the attacks on the different browsers described in Section 6.2 when new versions of the most popular browsers are released, one can find out if poor handling of TLS termination modes persists. Furthermore, it would be interesting to investigate if the truncation attacks could be adapted and applied to other security protocols like DTLS and SSH.


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HTTP Status Codes


100 -- Continue

101 -- Switching Protocols Success

200 -- OK 201 -- Created 202 -- Accepted

203 -- Non-Authoritative Information 204 -- No Content

205 -- Reset Content 206 -- Partial Content Redirection

300 -- Multiple Choices 301 -- Moved Permanently 302 -- Found

303 -- See Other 304 -- Not Modified 305 -- Use Proxy

307 -- Temporary Redirect



Client Error

400 -- Bad Request 401 -- Unauthorized 402 -- Payment Required 403 -- Forbidden

404 -- Not Found

405 -- Method Not Allowed 406 -- Not Acceptable

407 -- Proxy Authentication Required 408 -- Request Time-out

409 -- Conflict 410 -- Gone

411 -- Length Required 412 -- Precondition Failed 413 -- Request Entity Too Large 414 -- Request-URI Too Large 415 -- Unsupported Media Type

416 -- Requested range not satisfiable 417 -- Expectation Failed

Server Error

500 -- Internal Server Error 501 -- Not Implemented 502 -- Bad Gateway

503 -- Service Unavailable 504 -- Gateway Time-out

505 -- HTTP Version not supported



TLS Protocol Data

B.1 Items Included in a TLS Session

session identifier:

Chosen by the server in order to identify an active session.

Comes in form of an arbitrary byte sequence, and can also identify a resumable session state.

peer certificate:

May be null. If not, it will be a X509v3 certificate of the peer.

compression method:

Specifies which algorithm that will be used to compress data before encryption.

cipher spec:

Identifies the PRF that is being used to generate keys as well as the encryption and MAC algorithms.

master secret:

The server and the client share a 48-byte master secret.

is resumable:

If a session is allowed to initiate new connection, a flag will indicate this.

B.2 TLS Alert Messages

enum { warning(1), fatal(2), (255) } AlertLevel;

enum {




} HandshakeType;

struct {

HandshakeType msg_type; /* handshake type */

uint24 length; /* bytes in message */

select (HandshakeType) {

case hello_request: HelloRequest;

case client_hello: ClientHello;

case server_hello: ServerHello;

case certificate: Certificate;

case server_key_exchange: ServerKeyExchange;

case certificate_request: CertificateRequest;

case server_hello_done: ServerHelloDone;

case certificate_verify: CertificateVerify;

case client_key_exchange: ClientKeyExchange;

case finished: Finished;

} body;

} Handshake;