• No results found


6.3. Suggestions for further research

6.3. Suggestions for further research

The results from the current work questions the validity of some of the current diagnostic categories in the DSM system. A replication in another population, preferentially with a lager sample, would however be advantageous. Concerning the indication of a common genetic liability between some diagnoses/phenotypes, observed in the current study, a multivariate modelling, would be valuable as it allows for quantifying the extent to which the observed genetic variance is shared between the relevant phenotypes and to what extent it is specific for a single phenotype. A larger sample size would be advantageous for such analyses. At the same time as findings as those presented in the current thesis can guide further gene-finding efforts and provide the contexts within which the results of gene-finding studies can be interpreted, molecular genetic research can hopefully provide further advances in this field and the final answers to the questions here raised. Finally, unique environmental events (E) accounted for a substantial portion of the variance in liability, especially concerning the

unipolar depressive disorders. An important and exiting endeavour for future research would be the dissection of this effect.

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