• No results found


7.3. Recommendations for Further Study

Due to the limitations outlined above, I have further questions regarding the Blanket Exercise and the practice of settler education about Indigenous Peoples in Canada. I recommend further studies analyzing the Blanket Exercise from an Indigenous pedagogical framework that provide deeper analysis of its methods and impacts on settler Participants. In reflecting on the large impact they have made in this study and in my own learning, I also recommend future studies to engage more deeply in discussions with KAIROS staff and Facilitators in order to lean into the experience of those who are on the front lines of settler conversations and transformative learning moments.

More studies that highlight what educators see and understand might provide another framework of analysis for the ways in which settlers are able to engage in disrupting settler futurities.


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KBE Blog Posts

Aube, Jennifer Dany. 2016a. “Blanket exercise teaches history from an indigenous perspective.”

kairosblanketexercise.org, January 12, 2016. Retrieved May 10, 2021.


---. 2016b. “Blanket exercise for truth and reconciliation.” kairosblanketexercise.org, June 9, 2016. Retrieved May 9, 2021. (https://www.kairosblanketexercise.org/blanket-exercise-truth-reconciliation/).


---.2016c. “Kingstonians invited to ‘walk in the moccasins of indigenous people’.”

kairosblanketexercise.org, July 10, 2016. Retrieved May 10, 2021.


---. 2016d. “Spanish KAIROS Blanket Exercise connects colonial dots.”

kairosblanketexercise.org, August 4, 2016. Retrieved May 10, 2021.


---. 2017a. “Graduate students at the University of Guelph partake in the KAIROS Blanket Exercise.” kairosblanketexercise.org, February 1, 2017. Retrieved May 9, 2021.


---. 2017b. “Understanding reconciliation with the KAIROS Blanket Exercise.”

kairosblanketexercise.org, April 7, 2017. Retrieved May 9, 2021.


---. 2017c. “An exercise in understanding: the KAIROS Blanket Exercise.”

kairosblanketexercise.org, May 3, 2017. Retrieved May 10, 2021.


---. 2017d. “’These Blankets Hold History’.” kairosblanketexercise.org, April 27, 2017.

Retrieved May 9, 2021. https://www.kairosblanketexercise.org/blankets-hold-history/).

---. 2017e. “Discomfort, ‘real feelings’ felt by Yellowknifers during exercise about history of Indigenous North Americans.” kairosblanketexercise.org, May 11, 2017. Retrieved May 10, 2021.


---. 2017f. “KAIROS Blanket Exercise bridges cultural gaps between First Nations and Alberta RCMP.” kairosblanketexercise.org, May 15, 2017. Retrieved May 10, 2021.


KAIROS Canada. 2017a. “The history of Indigenous Peoples as told through blankets.”

kairosblanketexercise.org, July 17, 2017. Retrieved May 9, 2021.


---. 2017b. “‘There’s a reason that truth comes before reconciliation’.”

kairosblanketexercise.org, September 18, 2017. Retrieved May 9, 2021.



---. 2018a. “Reflecting on the blanket exercise.” kairosblanketexercise.org, February 26, 2018.

Retrieved May 10, 2021. (https://www.kairosblanketexercise.org/reflecting-on-the-blanket-exercise/).

---. 2018b. “Witness to Injustice: The KAIROS Blanket Exercise.” kairosblanketexercise.org, August 8, 2018. Retrieved May 10, 2021. (https://www.kairosblanketexercise.org/witness-to-injustice-the-kairos-blanket-exercise/).

---. 2018c. “At University of Toronto’s Faculty of Medicine, leaders take part in KAIROS Blanket Exercise that teaches Indigenous history and trauma.” kairosblanketexercise.org, September 27, 2018. Retrieved May 10, 2021.


---. 2018d. “‘We’re definitely not the best nation in the world,’ school children learn about colonialism.” kairosblanketexercise.org, December 5, 2018. Retrieved May 8, 2021.


Sarazin, Connor. 2019a. “Communities coming together for Reconciliation.”

kairosblanketexercise.org, February 19, 2019. Retrieved May 10, 2021.


---. 2019b. “Why a blanket exercise made me disappointed, uncomfortable and angry.”

kairosblanketexercise.org, March 1, 2019. Retrieved May 9, 2021.


---. 2019c. “The outsider insider perspective- how a KBE changed me.”

kairosblanketexercise.org, March 29, 2019. Retrieved May 9, 2021.


---. 2019d. “Blanket Exercise boosts staff awareness about colonization effects on Indigenous patients.” kairosblanketexercise.org, July 23, 2019. Retrieved May 10, 2021.


---. 2019e. “Town of Okotoks to acknowledge traditional territories.”

kairosblanketexercise.org, July 31, 2019. Retrieved May 10, 2021.


---. 2019f. “Blanket Exercise bridges the Indigenous, non-Indigenous gap.”

kairosblanketexercise.org, October 22, 2019. Retrieved May 9, 2021.



---. 2019g. “Viewpoint with Rev. Natasha Pearen.” kairosblanketexercise.org, October 24, 2019. Retrieved May 9, 2021. (https://www.kairosblanketexercise.org/viewpoint-with-rev-natasha-pearen/).

---. 2020a. “New understanding of Indigenous history inspires MHCC staff.”

kairosblanketexercise.org, January 15, 2020. Retrieved May 9, 2021.


---. 2020b. “Learning History Through Participation – The KAIROS Blanket Exercise.”

kairosblanketexercise.org, January 31, 2020. Retrieved May 10, 2021.


---. 2020c. “Walk with Me.” kairosblanketexercise.org, March 2, 2020. Retrieved May 9, 2021. (https://www.kairosblanketexercise.org/walk-with-me/).


1. How does the KBE aim towards actively fostering new and more positive relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada?

2. As an informal educative tool (i.e. outside the formal school system for Canadian students), how does the KBE complement and/or fill in the gaps of existing curricula that teach Indigenous histories and realities in Canada?

3. What are some common conflicts and tensions that have arisen during the KBE? How are these conflicts and tensions resolved?

4. How are the fluid dynamics of Indigenous, non-Indigenous, settler, and arrivant identities approached when the KBE is conducted? What is the KAIROS

Organization’s understandings of these identities? Does the KBE challenge these positionalities and if so, in what ways?

5. The KBE is described as using “participatory popular education methodology”. Could you elaborate on how these methodologies present themselves during the exercise?

6. Why was popular education pedagogy used as a model for this exercise and how does it allow for the aims of the KBE to be achieved?

7. Do you think the choice of pedagogy impacts the popularity of the exercise? If so, please explain how and why.

8. Are there any last points that you think I didn’t touch on that I should know about a KBE?


1. One of the things that got brought up the last time was about how the KBE has gotten deeper. What exactly does this mean? What’s changed that’s made it deeper?

2. What terms and identities does the KBE stand by and utilize (settler, colonialism, etc.)? What is your explanation for how the identities are flipped around or engaged with during the KBE itself?

3. What kinds of preparations are the Facilitators given in their training?

4. Could you speak more about the emotions that get brought up during a KBE?

5. What’s your understanding of the space the KBE fills in educating Canadians?

6. In your experience how do people become aware of the KBE?

7. Could you speak to the importance of the Talking Circle afterwards? The pedagogy, the methods?

8. Are there any last points that you think I didn’t touch on that I should know about a KBE?


Aube, Jennifer Dany. 2017. “First-year Law Students Participate in KAIROS Blanket Exercise.” kairosblanketexercise.org, January 12, 2017. Retrieved March 25, 2021.


Aube, Jennifer Dany. 2017. “‘Shame and sadness’ stirred by Indigenous Blanket Exercise.”

kairosblanketexercise.org, January 26, 2017. Retrieved March 25, 2021.


Aube, Jennifer Dany. 2017. “Graduate students at the University of Guelph partake in the KAIROS Blanket Exercise.” kairosblanketexercise.org, February 1, 2017. Retrieved March 25, 2021. ( https://www.kairosblanketexercise.org/graduate-students-university-guelph-partake-kairos-blanket-exercise/).

Aube, Jennifer Dany. 2017. “More than a blanket term.” kairosblanketexercise.org, February 9, 2017. Retrieved March 25, 2021. (https://www.kairosblanketexercise.org/more-than-a-blanket-term/).

Aube, Jennifer Dany. 2017. “Knowing our place: the KAIROS Blanket Exercise.”

kairosblanketexercise.org, April 12, 2017. Retrieved March 25, 2021.


Aube, Jennifer Dany. 2016. “‘We need to listen to what the First Nations people are telling us’ – KAIROS Blanket Exercise helps teach history from Indigenous perspective.”

kairosblanketexercise.org, May 9, 2016. Retrieved March 25, 2021.


Aube, Jennifer Dany. 2016. “The KAIROS Blanket Exercise “equips us for those reconciling conversations & relationships”.” kairosblanketexercise.org, June 24, 2016. Retrieved March 25, 2021. ( https://www.kairosblanketexercise.org/kairos-blanket-exercise-equips-us-reconciling-conversations-relationships/).

Aube, Jennifer Dany. 2016. “KAIROS Blanket Exercise brings understanding and empathy.”

kairosblanketexercise.org, October 26, 2016. Retrieved March 25, 2021.

( https://www.kairosblanketexercise.org/kairos-blanket-exercise-brings-understanding-empathy/).

Aube, Jennifer Dany. 2016. “Students learn indigenous history by reenacting colonization in unique blanket exercise.” kairosblanketexercise.org, December 26, 2016. Retrieved March 25, 2021. (https://www.kairosblanketexercise.org/students-learn-indigenous-history-reenacting-colonization-unique-blanket-exercise/).

KAIROS Canada. 2018. “Why this blanket exercise is now essential training for RCMP cadets.”kairosblanketexercise.org, June 26, 2018. Retrieved March 25, 2021.


KAIROS Canada. 2017. “The history of Indigenous Peoples as told through blankets.”

kairosblanketexercise.org, July 17, 2017. Retrieved March 25, 2021.


KAIROS Canada. 2017. “KAIROS Blanket Exercise: Learning Canada’s Dark History.”

kairosblanketexercise.org, September 20, 2017. Retrieved March 25, 2021.


Sarazin, Connor. 2020. “Sharing an Indigenous point of view at KAIROS Blanket Exercise.”

kairosblanketexercise.org, January 28, 2020. Retrieved March 25, 2021.


Sarazin, Connor. 2019. “KAIROS Blanket Exercise a sad journey into Indigenous history.”

kairosblanketexercise.org,January 8, 2019. Retrieved March 25, 2021.