• No results found

Based on the results of analyses, discussion and conclusions of this research study, in order to improve the safety of patients, we recommend the following points:

• In order to increase the knowledge of pharmacy workers, our recommendation is to include a course on natural products in the educational plan of pharmacy in order to provide more training for the new educated pharmacists. Providing training for the pharmacy workers by holding workshops and organizing courses on HPs and DS can also help to increase the knowledge of pharmacy workers. Such trianings, thus can result in improving the safety of dementia patients by providing them correct information through pharmacy workers. It will also improve the ability of pharmacy workers to counsel patients regarding the use of herbal products and offer them an optimal pharmaceutical care.

• With respect to the reliability and quality of sources of information, we suggest to identify a reliable source of HPs and DS that can be available for the health care providers and pharmacy employees, at the work.


• A strategy should be created in order to routinely document and monitor the use of HPs and DS by dementia patients. The roles and responsibilities of the primary care givers, all relevant health care personnel, and health care politicians in terms of checking and controlling the use of HPs and DS by dementia patients should be clarified.



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