• No results found



# draw_figures . py

# Draws f i g u r e s from the p r e d i c t i o n s . import numpy as np

import skimage , os from glob import glob

import matplotlib . pyplot as p l t

from skimage . u t i l . montage import montage2d

def npy_to_figure ( i ) :

path_img = ’ r e s u l t s / p r e di c t /img_%d . npy ’ % i path_pred = ’ r e s u l t s / p r e dict / pred_%d . npy ’ % i path_truth = ’ r e s u l t s / pr e di c t / truth_%d . npy ’ % i path_out = ’ r e s u l t s / f i g u r e s/%d . png ’ % i

spine_image = np . load ( path_img )

spine_image = np . squeeze ( spine_image , a x i s =3) spine_pred = np . load ( path_pred )

spine_pred = np . squeeze ( spine_pred , a x i s =3) spine_mask = np . load ( path_truth )

spine_mask = np . squeeze ( spine_mask , a x i s =3)

stacked = np . dstack ( ( spine_image , spine_pred , spine_mask ) ) stacked = np . transpose ( stacked , ( 2 , 0 , 1) )

p l t . imsave ( path_out , montage2d ( stacked , grid_shape =( 3 , 32) ) , ,→ cmap= ’ inferno ’ )

i f __name__ == "__main__" :

imgs_path = ’ r e s u l t s / p r e dic t / ’

all_images=glob ( os . path . j o i n ( imgs_path , ’ img_ * . npy ’ ) ) for i in range(len( all_images ) ) :

npy_to_figure ( i )

# draw_hist_from_csv . py

# Draws histograms from the spine metrics csv . import pandas as pd

import matplotlib . pyplot as p l t def s p l i t _ a t _ i ( x , j ) :

FN_t , FN_v = s p l i t _ a t _ i (FN, v a l i d a t i o n _ s p l i t _ i )

accuracy = (cm[ 3 ] + cm[ 0 ] ) / (cm[ 0 ] + cm[ 1 ] + cm[ 2 ] + cm[ 3 ] )

test_name = " gt_ " + test_name

# save spine r e s u l t s on csv

,→ f i l t e r _ l i s t ]

# evaluate_spines . py

df = pd . DataFrame . from_records ( spine_csv , index= s e l f . ,→ v a l i d a t i o n _ c a s e s )

df . to_csv ( o u t _ f i l e )

def pixel_confusion_matrix ( y_true , y_pred ) :

# truth_0 = np . count_nonzero (~ y_true )

# truth_1 = np . count_nonzero ( y_true ) pred_0 = np . count_nonzero (~ y_pred ) pred_1 = np . count_nonzero ( y_pred )

# a s s e r t truth_0 + truth_1 == pred_0 + pred_1 == 64*64*32 background = (~ y_true ) * (~ y_pred )

i n t e r s e c t i o n = y_true * y_pred

common_0 = np . count_nonzero ( background ) common_1 = np . count_nonzero ( i n t e r s e c t i o n )

pass spine_image = np . load ( path_img )

spine_pred = np . load ( path_pred )

spine_pred = ( spine_pred > 0 . 5 ) * 1.0 spine_pred = spine_pred . astype ( ’ bool ’ ) spine_mask = np . load ( path_truth )

spine_mask = spine_mask . astype ( ’ bool ’ ) return spine_image , spine_pred , spine_mask spine_image = np . load ( path_img )

spine_pred1 = np . load ( path_pred1 )

spine_pred1 = spine_pred1 . astype ( ’ bool ’ ) spine_pred2 = np . load ( path_pred2 )

spine_pred2 = ( spine_pred2 > 0 . 5 ) * 1.0 spine_pred2 = spine_pred2 . astype ( ’ bool ’ ) spine_mask = np . load ( path_truth )

spine_mask = spine_mask . astype ( ’ bool ’ )

return spine_image , spine_pred1 , spine_pred2 , spine_mask def e v a l u a t e _ t r a i n ( ) :

imgs_path = ’ r e s u l t s / p r e dic t / ’

all_images=glob ( os . path . j o i n ( imgs_path , ’ img_ * . npy ’ ) ) absolute_cm_all_spines = [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0]

training_cm = [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0]

v a l i d a t i o n _ s p l i t _ i = 3056 vm = ValidationMetrics ( )

for i in range( 0 , len( all_images ) ) :

_ , prediction , truth = load_image_pred_mask ( i ) cm = pixel_confusion_matrix ( truth , prediction )

# print_confusion_matrix ( normalize_confusion_matrix (cm) ) vm. add_cm(cm)

absolute_cm_all_spines = add_to_cm ( absolute_cm_all_spines ,

,→ cm)

i f i == v a l i d a t i o n _ s p l i t _ i − 1 :

training_cm = [ x for x in absolute_cm_all_spines ] print( ’ Confusion matrix with only t r a i n i n g spines : ’ ) print_confusion_matrix ( ( absolute_cm_all_spines ) ) print( ’ Confusion matrix with a l l spines at once : ’ )

print_confusion_matrix ( ( absolute_cm_all_spines ) ) print( ’ Vali da tio n : ’ )

validation_cm = [ absolute_cm_all_spines [ i ] − training_cm [ i ] ,→ for i in range( 4 ) ]

_ , pred1 , pred2 , tr uth = load_image_pred12_mask ( i ) cma = pixel_confusion_matrix ( truth , pred1 )

cmb = pixel_confusion_matrix ( truth , pred2 ) cmc = pixel_confusion_matrix ( pred1 , pred2 )

# print_confusion_matrix ( normalize_confusion_matrix (cm) ) vma. add_cm(cma)

vmb. add_cm(cmb) vmc . add_cm(cmc)

cm_p1_gt = add_to_cm ( cm_p1_gt , cma) cm_p2_gt = add_to_cm ( cm_p2_gt , cmb) cm_p2_p1 = add_to_cm ( cm_p2_p1 , cmc)

print( ’ Pred1 compared to GT ’ ) print_confusion_matrix ( cm_p1_gt ) print( ’ Pred2 compared to GT ’ ) print_confusion_matrix ( cm_p2_gt ) print( ’ Pred2 compared to Pred1 ’ ) print_confusion_matrix ( cm_p2_p1 )

vma. save ( " . / spine_scores_test_p1_gt . csv " ) vmb. save ( " . / spine_scores_test_p2_gt . csv " ) vmc . save ( " . / spine_scores_test_p2_p1 . csv " ) i f __name__ == "__main__" :

e v a l u a t e _ t r a i n ( ) e v a l u a t e _ t e s t ( )

# example_dendrite . py

# Shows a sample d e n t r i t e import numpy as np

from skimage import img_as_float import matplotlib . pyplot as p l t t r y:

return image

i f __name__ == "__main__" : z = 35

img = read_image_to_array ( ’ data / data / i f 6 .1.1−1 enero / spine . n i i . ,→ gz ’ )

mask = read_image_to_array ( ’ data / data / i f 6 .1.1−1 enero / tru th . n i i ,→ . gz ’ )

mask = mask_150_255 (mask) . astype ( ’ bool ’ ) p l t . f i g u r e ( f i g s i z e =(12 , 18) )

stacked_mask = np . transpose (mask , ( 2 , 0 , 1) )

p l t . imsave ( ’ example_mask . png ’ , stacked_mask [ z ] , cmap= ’ gray ’ ) p l t . f i g u r e ( f i g s i z e =(12 , 18) )

stacked_img = np . transpose ( img , ( 2 , 0 , 1) )

p l t . imsave ( ’ example_img . png ’ , stacked_img [ z ] , cmap= ’ gray ’ )

# to rgb

stacked_img = np . stack ( ( stacked_img , ) *3 , −1) img_layer = stacked_img [ z ]

img_layer [ stacked_mask [ z ] , 0] = img_layer [ stacked_mask [ z ] , 0]

,→ * 0 . 5 + 127

img_layer [ stacked_mask [ z ] , 1] = img_layer [ stacked_mask [ z ] , 1]

,→ * 0 . 7

img_layer [ stacked_mask [ z ] , 2] = img_layer [ stacked_mask [ z ] , 2]

,→ * 0 . 7

p l t . imsave ( ’ example_mask_img . png ’ , img_layer )

# nidata . py

# Converts data from n i i format to npy format

# ready to be used by the unet import numpy as np

import skimage , os

from skimage . measure import l ab el , regionprops from skimage . u t i l . montage import montage2d from scipy import ndimage as ndi

from skimage import img_as_float import matplotlib . pyplot as p l t from glob import glob

def save_montage_img_mask ( path_out , image , mask) : p l t . f i g u r e ( f i g s i z e =(12 , 18) )

i f f i l t e r _ s p i n e s ! = True or ( r . area > 8 and spine_mask . all_images , all_masks , a l l _ p r e d = get_images (BASE_IMG_PATH)

# normalize images

all_images = [ ( x−np . amin ( x ) ) / (np . amax( x )−np . amin ( x ) ) for x in ,→ all_images ]

# TODO: b i n a r i z e al l _p re d ( doesnt make sense i f we r e s i z e i t

,→ anyway )

# Now the mask contains 150 f o r d e n d r i t e s and 255 f o r spines ,

# we only want to keep sp ine s . Same f o r pred all_masks = [ mask_150_255 ( x ) for x in all_masks ] a l l _ p r e d = [ mask_150_255 ( x ) for x in a l l _ p r e d ]

# so we combine images and masks into a new array of shape ,→ (1024 , 1024 , 112 , 2)

for i in range(len( spine_images_and_masks ) ) :

imgmasks = np . s p l i t ( spine_images_and_masks [ i ] , 2 , a x i s =−1)

,→ which r e t u r n s

for i in range(len( spine_images_and_preds ) ) :

imgmasks = np . s p l i t ( spine_images_and_preds [ i ] , 2 , a x i s =−1)

all_images , all_masks , _ = get_images (BASE_IMG_PATH)

# Now the mask contains 150 f o r d e n d r i t e s and 255 f o r spines ,

# we only want to keep sp ine s

all_masks = [ mask_150_255 ( x ) for x in all_masks ] return all_images , all_masks

def g e t _ t r a i n _ s p i n e s ( ) :

all_images , all_masks = get_train_images ( )

all_spine_images , all_spine_masks = get_spines ( all_images , ,→ all_masks )

return all_spine_images , all_spine_masks

# t a r g e t _ s i z e = ( 3 2 , 32 , 32)

# w i l l return ( 3 2 , 32 , 32 , 1) np . save ( img_path , all_spine_images )

img_path=os . path . j o i n ( ’ data ’ , ’ spines_train_mask_gray . npy ’ ) np . save ( img_path , all_spine_masks )

# T e s t

all_spine_images , all_spine_masks , all_spine_pred =

,→ g e t _ t e s t _ s p i n e s _ r e s i z e ( t a r g e t _ s i z e , use_pred_as_gt=True ) img_path=os . path . j o i n ( ’ data ’ , ’ spines_test_gt_image . npy ’ )

np . save ( img_path , all_spine_images )

img_path=os . path . j o i n ( ’ data ’ , ’ spines_test_gt_mask . npy ’ ) np . save ( img_path , all_spine_masks )

img_path=os . path . j o i n ( ’ data ’ , ’ spines_test_gt_pred . npy ’ ) np . save ( img_path , all_spine_pred )

def load_train_spines ( ) :

return imgs , masks , pred1

images = [ read_image_to_array ( x ) for x in all_images ] masks = [ read_image_to_array ( x ) for x in all_masks ] pred = [ read_image_to_array ( x ) for x in a l l _ p r e d ]

def get_spines ( all_images , all_masks ) : all_spine_images = [ ]

return a

p l t . subplot ( 3 , 1 , 3)

p l t . h i s t ( sizez , 100 , [ 0 , 1 0 0 ] ) # h i s t ( data , bins , range ) p l t . minorticks_on ( )

p l t . x l a b e l ( ’ z s i z e of the spine ’ ) p l t . y l a b e l ( ’number of spines ’ ) p l t . s a v e f i g ( ’ h i s t _ s p i n e s . svg ’ ) p l t . s a v e f i g ( ’ h i s t _ s p i n e s . png ’ ) i f __name__ == "__main__" :

s a v e _ s p i n e s _ t o _ f i l e s ( ( 6 4 , 64 , 32) )

# unet . py

from keras . l a y e r s import Conv3D, Conv3DTranspose , MaxPooling3D , ,→ BatchNormalization , A c t i v a t i o n

from keras . optimizers import *

from keras . c a l l b a c k s import ModelCheckpoint , TensorBoard , ,→ EarlyStopping , CSVLogger , ReduceLROnPlateau

import keras . backend as K

conv = Conv3D( features , ker ne l_size , padding= ’same ’ ,

,→ k e r n e l _ i n i t i a l i z e r = ’ he_normal ’ ) (input)

conv = Conv3D( features , ker ne l_size , padding= ’same ’ , ,→ k e r n e l _ i n i t i a l i z e r = ’ he_normal ’ ) ( conv )

i f batch_norm :

conv = BatchNormalization ( a x i s =4) ( conv ) conv = A c t i v a t i o n ( ’ r e l u ’ ) ( conv )

pool = MaxPooling3D ( pool_size=pool_size ) ( conv ) return conv , pool conv = Conv3D( features , ker ne l_size , padding= ’same ’ ,

,→ k e r n e l _ i n i t i a l i z e r = ’ he_normal ’ ) ( merge ) s e l f . img_layers = img_layers def load_data ( s e l f ) :

imgs , masks = load_train_spines ( )

imgs = img_as_float ( imgs ) . astype (np . f l o a t 3 2 ) model = Model ( inputs=input1 , outputs=conv10 )

# o r i g i n a l : l o s s = ’ binary_crossentropy ’ , l r =1e4

# l o s s = d i c e _ c o e f _ l o s s

model .compile( optimizer=Adam( l r =1e−4) , l o s s = ’

,→ binary_crossentropy ’ , metrics =[ ’ accuracy ’ , mean_pred ,→ , ’ binary_crossentropy ’ , global_dice_coef ] )

print( model . summary ( ) )

imgs_train , imgs_mask_train , imgs_test = s e l f . load_data ( ) print( " loading data done" )

model = s e l f . get_unet ( )

,→ batch_size=batch_size , write_graph=True , write_grads ,→ =False , write_images=False , embeddings_freq =0 ,

,→ embeddings_layer_names=None, embeddings_metadata=

model . f i t ( imgs_train , imgs_mask_train , batch_size=

,→ batch_size , epochs=500 , verbose =1 , v a l i d a t i o n _ s p l i t ,→ = 0 . 2 , s h u f f l e =True , c a l l b a c k s = c a l l b a c k s )

def pr e dict ( s e l f ) :

print( " loading data " )

imgs_train , imgs_mask_train , imgs_test = s e l f . load_data ( ) print( " loading data done" )

model = s e l f . get_unet ( ) print( " got unet " )

model . load_weights ( ’ r e s u l t s / unet_t . hdf5 ’ )

imgs_pred = model . pr e di ct ( imgs_train , batch_size =2 , ,→ verbose =1)

imgs_train , imgs_mask_train , imgs_pred1 = s e l f . ,→ load_data_pred1 ( )

print( " loading data done" ) model = s e l f . get_unet ( )

def grayscale_to_binary ( img , threshold = 0 . 5 ) : im = ( img > threshold ) * 1.0

return im

# additional metric which shows the mean o f the p r e d i c t i o n

# u s e f u l because 0 . 0 means that a l l images are black , and 1 . 0 = ,→ white

def mean_pred ( y_true , y_pred ) :

m = K . mean( y_pred ) return m

# d i c e c o e f but applied to the e n t i r e batch at once ( instead of ,→ each image i n d i v i d u a l l y )

def global_dice_coef ( y_true , y_pred ) : smooth = 1 .

return −global_dice_coef ( y_true , y_pred ) i f __name__ == ’ __main__ ’ :

parser = argparse . ArgumentParser ( )

parser . add_argument ( ’−p ’ , action= ’ s t o r e _ t r u e ’ , help= ’ pre d ic t


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