• No results found

Possible implications for DiDiAC and future design-based intervention studies

In document Negotiating change (sider 114-125)

8 Conclusion and possible implications

8.4 Possible implications for DiDiAC and future design-based intervention studies

the early phases of the intervention project, and potentially be a part of a provisory analysis at this point. Educational researchers seek to develop new models for intervention and change, which are assumed to be a far more advantageous method than previous assumptions about the value of the research being a pure transfer or translation of results (Snow, 2015). The empirical findings in this thesis seem to support studies claiming that a teacher-researcher’s collaboration is complex and challenging (Engestrøm, 1999, Cochran-Smith and Lytle, 1990). In light of the Activity Theory with emphasis on the unarticulated need state

(Engestrøm, 1999, Toiviainen, 2007), the teachers in my case seem to be exactly where they are expected to be; in the initial phase of problematizing their own practice, and it takes time to make the objects in each activity system harmonize (Engestrøm, 1999, Zimmerman, 2006).

I have not analyzed the workshop stage in this research project apart from participating in structured observations as a source of my interviews, but I support studies that argue that further research in the start-up phase of such collaborative projects is necessary (Sedova et al, 2016). This is especially since my interviews to an extent show an expressed uncertainty related to teachers’ understanding of what they are participating in. How is the implicit asymmetric relationship between teachers and researchers in such projects illuminated, and how are the coherent but also different agendas and orientations articulated?

The DiDiAC- project introduced essentially two simultaneous elements that

eventually seek to contribute to increase student talk and exploratory dialogues that based on research, promote critical thinking. Further research can also compare intervention projects where pedagogical methods and digital tools are implemented successively versus

simultaneous. It may be interesting to compare how they each affect the gradual change in teachers’ practices and what this means for students’ learning outcome.


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In document Negotiating change (sider 114-125)