• No results found

Percentage of analyzed sequences with SDRMs per drug class

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


(n=145) 2013

(n=125) 2014

(n=138) 2015

(n=149) 2016

(n=134) 2017

(n=146) 2018

(n=119) 2019

(n=107) 2020 (n=75)

Per cent age of ana ly zed sequ enc es w it h SD RMs per dr ug c las s


Table 4.2: Specification of the surveillance drug resistance mutations (SDRMs) detected in 2020.

Sequence ID NRTI NNRTI PI Country of transmission Previous treatment

1 None G190A None Norway No

SDRM: surveillance drug resistance mutations; NNRTI: non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor; NRTI:

nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor; PI: protease inhibitor.


The surveillance is based on resistance data from patients who had their HIV-1 infection confirmed in Norway, and where a sample was sent to the National reference laboratory for HIV at Oslo University Hospital (OUH) for resistance testing. The data reported for 2020 have been cross-referenced to epidemiological data from MSIS.

Cross-referencing was established in 2019, through a collaboration project between the NIPH and the National reference laboratory for HIV at OUH, and it enables detailed analysis of transmitted drug resistance in Norway by studying the prevalence of SDRMs in different subgroups, such as risk groups or country of infection. This also provides useful

information on the coverage of primary resistance testing in the different subgroups.

Over the last few years, RAVN together with the National reference laboratory for HIV, have made efforts to increase the coverage of resistance testing among newly diagnosed HIV patients. In 2020, resistance data was available for 55% of the newly diagnosed patients reported to MSIS, which was slightly lower than the coverage of 62% for 2019.

However, the MSIS-data includes patients that will never be included in the resistance data, such as patients already receiving treatment or persons only temporarily residing in Norway. This could explain why the coverage of surveillance resistance data in RAVN is low (39%) among patients infected abroad.

Coverage of resistance testing was high among patients infected in Norway, indicating adequate local routines for submitting samples for resistance testing in newly infected patients. Altogether, the combined data from RAVN and MSIS indicate that the majority of cases where surveillance resistance data is missing, are persons who were already

diagnosed with HIV before arrival to Norway, and who were likely to have already started treatment.

Both the total number of new HIV-infections in Norway, and the number of

samples analysed for drug resistance surveillance, were lower in 2020 compared to the previous years. SDRMs were detected in 13.3% of samples from patients with newly diagnosed HIV-1 infection in Norway in 2020, and thus, the increasing trend observed in 2018 and 2019 seems to continue also in 2020 (Fig. 4.2). Similar to previous years, mutations associated with clinically relevant drug resistance are rare, and the mutations with the most clinical impact such as

Resistance against antivirals in Norway • Norwegian Institute of Public Health


K103N, were mainly transmitted abroad. Most of the increase observed in 2019 was due to the presence of a single M41L mutation which does not confer clinical resistance to NRTI (7). However, this was not the case for 2020, where transmission of SDRMs was observed in Norway, including mutations of potential relevance for first line regimens and clinical management.

Since pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) with tenofovir and emtricitabine was implemented with full reimbursment in Norway in 2017, an enhanced surveillance of the mutations associated with reduced susceptibility for the two drugs used for PrEP is warranted. In 2020, one patient had a mutation (M184I) that may have been selected in association with ongoing treatment with emtricitabine. There were no other mutations observed that are associated with reduced susceptibility for emtricitabine or tenofovir. This means that both tenofovir and emtricitabine would be effective against

most HIV variants identified through the surveillance, and that the infections could potentially have been prevented by correct use of PrEP. So far there are no signs of an increase in drug resistance associated with PrEP among patients newly diagnosed with HIV in Norway, and PrEP can be expected to be effective in preventing most new cases. However, continued monitoring of possible PrEP-related resistance will be of importance.


There has been a small increase in transmission of the HIV drug resistance mutations that are monitored for surveillance, but altogether, the prevalence of transmitted drug

resistance in Norway remains low. As in previous years, the mutations with the most clinical impact such as K103N, were mainly transmitted abroad. However, in 2020 there was also observed transmission within Norway of resistance mutations with potential relevance for first line regimens recommended for treatment of new HIV infections.

Nevertheless, the clinical consequences of the increased prevalence are

considered low. There does not seem to be any increase in transmission of PrEP-associated resistance mutations, even after three years with widespread use

of PrEP. Continued surveillance of HIV-1 resistance over time is important in order to make informed decisions on implementation of preventive measures to control dissemination of resistant HIV-1 strains.


1. The World Health Organization 2009 list of mutations: Stanford University: HIV drug resistance database. Available from: https://hivdb.stanford.edu/page/who-sdrm-list/

2. Bennett DE, Camacho RJ, Otelea D, Kuritzkes DR, Fleury H, Kiuchi M, et al. Drug resistance mutations for surveillance of transmitted HIV-1 drug-resistance: 2009 update. PLoS One 2009;4(3):e4724.

3. Calibrated population resistance, version 7.0: Stanford University: HIV drug resistance database. Available from: https://hivdb.stanford.edu/cpr/

4. Günthard HF, Calvez V, Paredes R, Pillay D, Shafer RW, Wensing AM, et al. Human Immunodeficiency Virus Drug Resistance: 2018 Recommendations of the International Antiviral Society-USA Panel. Clin Infect Dis 2019;68(2):177-87.

5. Caugant D KH, Nilsen Ø, Olsen AO, Whittaker R. 2020 Annual Surveillance Report for Sexual Transmitted Infections. Oslo: Folkehelseinstituttet, 2021: 2021.

6. Meldingssystem for smittsomme sykdommer (MSIS): Folkehelseinstituttet. Available from: http://www.msis.no/

7. Pingen M, Nijhuis M, Mudrikova T, van Laarhoven A, Langebeek N, Richter C, et al.

Infection with the frequently transmitted HIV-1 M41L variant has no influence on selection of tenofovir resistance. J Antimicrob Chemother 2015;70(2):573-80.


Perspectives on future surveillance of drug resistance against integrase