• No results found

Our study suggests that health workers need to offer guidance as how to handle the practical side of negotiating power in sexual relationships. By health workers, we also mean both practitioners in public health and social work. Despite somewhat different approaches, the two fields have a shared mission on enhancing the well-being of the communities and social justice (Ruth & Sisco, 2008:2). Jennifer van Pelt (2009) claims that collaboration between the two professions offers to bridge prevention and intervention, individual and community. In this study, we have found that the girls are caught in the crossfire of different expectations from family, boyfriends and friends. Since this deals with relationships, practitioners need to include both partners individually or as couples to make sure attitudes toward a healthy sexual practice become legitimate common goods. Boys, friends, family and the surrounding environment are an integral part of female students’ health behaviour, and not simply disturbing elements. Hence, they should be a part of the solution.


1. Van Pelt’s former family name



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