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Meeting agenda

In document ACOM2911.pdf (3.304Mb) (sider 30-34)

WEDNESDAY 16th MARCH Joint meeting with WGBOSV

09.00 Opening of the meeting Welcoming remarks

Philippe Goulletquer, Ifremer, Prospective & Scientific Strategy Division in charge of Marine Biodiversity

Tracy McCollin and Henn Ojaveer.


Introduction of Participants and Guests.

09.45 Review of Terms of Reference and Agenda Items relevant to both groups Marine Strategy Framework Directive and role of both BOSV and ITMO (see folder on WGBOSV SharePoint and files on WGITMO Sharepoint)

• Identify elements of the EGs work that may help determine status for the 11 Descriptors set out in the Commission Decision

• Provide views on what good environmental status (GES) might be for those descriptors, including methods that could be used to determine status.

ICES Strategic Initiative on Area Based Science and Management (SIASM) and role of both BOSV and ITMO (see ICES WKCMSP 2011 report on WGITMO Sharepoint)

• take note of and comment on the Report of the Workshop on the Sci-ence for area-based management: Coastal and Marine Spatial

Plan-ning in Practice (WKCMSP) http://www.ices.dk/reports/SSGHIE/2011/WKCMSP11.pdf

• provide information that could be used in setting pressure indicators that would complement biodiversity indicators currently being de-veloped by the Strategic Initiative on Biodiversity Advice and Science (SIBAS). Particular consideration should be given to assessing the impacts of very large renewable energy plans with a view to identify-ing/predicting potentially catastrophic outcomes.

• identify spatially resolved data, for e.g. spawning grounds, fishery activity, habitats, etc.

ToR f

Update on the collaboration with the WG on Harmful Algal Bloom Dynamics (WGHABD) and the outcome of the joint workshop on harmful phytoplankton that could potentially be transported or introduced by ballast water (WKHABAL). Tracy McCollin

ToR d

Cooperation with PICES WG 21.

Frederic Mineur

Discussion regarding Fred’s project and possible collaboration with WGBOSV and WGITMO.

• Network approaches to study of aquatic nonindigenous species in Canada: CAISN I and CAISN II. Hugh MacIsaac

Any other issues of interest to both groups

12.30 Closing WGBOSV and concluding remarks 13.00 – 14.00 Lunch

Modern molecular and imaging approaches to identification of aquatic nonindi-genous species in Canada. Hugh MacIsaac, Aibin Zhan and Sarah Bailey.

Overview on the EU MSFD JRC/ICES TG2 Non-indigenous species report. Sergej Olenin

15.00 – 15.30 Coffee break with presentation:

Live food import ban on American lobster and ecotox testing. Anders Jelmert 15.30

BINPAS – online bioinvasion impact/biopollution assessment system: call for coop-eration. Sergej Olenin

ToR e: Identify the criteria used by ICES countries to develop lists of high, moderate and low risk for intentional introductions and for those introduced species already established and prepare a final report.

17.00 Close of the day


THURSDAY 17th MARCH 09.00 Review of Terms of Reference and Agenda 09.15

ToR a: Synthesize and evaluate national reports using the adopted format for report-ing and contributions to the database that includes species, locations (latitude and longitude), status of invasions from other ICES member countries as appropriate, status of eradication efforts, and habitat, and develop an annual summary table of new occurrences/introductions of aquatic invasive species in Member Countries.

Highlights from national reports (max 15 min. per country)

Belgium Francis Kerckhof and Lies Vansteenbrugge Canada Marie-Claude Fortin

Estonia Henn Ojaveer

Finland Maiju Lehtiniemi and Lauri Urho France Laurence Miossec

Germany Manfred Rolke and Stephan Gollasch Italy Anna Occhipinti-Ambgroi

11.00 - 11.15 Coffee break

Lithuania Sergej Olenin

Norway Anders Jelmert

Portugal Paula Chainho

Spain Gemma Quilez-Badia

Sweden Malin Werner

The Netherlands Jeroen Wijsman United Kingdom Gordon Copp

13.00 – 14.00 Lunch

ToR c: Review and draft a compilation of existing monitoring activities and programs with the goal of avoiding duplications. A draft summary will be prepared for next year.

Results of the ongoing monitoring programme in Finland. Maiju Lehtiniemi and Lauri Urho

15.00 – 15.20 Coffee break

ToR b: Review options for utilizing existing databases and information resources (in ICES countries and elsewhere) to provide a more complete picture of introduced spe-cies distribution and abundance and discuss verification of spespe-cies identifications.

The ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi in the North Sea. Lies Vansteenbrugge Arrangements for 2012 meeting and AOB


Meeting venue Inter-sessional work Invitation of presentations Expert group topic and name 18:00 Close of the day

FRIDAY 18th MARCH 09. 00

ToR f: Finalize the 5 year summary report (2003–2007) during intersession. Note:

WGITMO has a draft five-year report, but needs to have reviews of the sections.

ToR h: Finalize preparation of a draft report on the different approaches taken by ICES countries on targeted fisheries of non-indigenous species and the impact that these fisheries have had in reducing the spread and abundance of non-indigenous species.

ToR i: WGMASC recommends that key persons of WGITMO dealing with the intro-duction of aquatic exotic species via shellfish transfers should be invited to the next WGMASC meeting to participate in preparing a joint report, identify information gaps and recommend specific research goals and management advice.

11.00 - 11.20 Coffee break

I just can’t bring myself to kill it” – How human weakness leads to the introduction and dispersal of non-native fishes. Gordon Copp

ToR d: Continue to develop and discuss joint activities with PICES WG 21 and CI-ESM during intersession that furthers cooperation and communication for resources sharing and information on introduced species.

Continue and finish request from ICES MSFDSG and SIASM.

13.00 Close of the meeting


In document ACOM2911.pdf (3.304Mb) (sider 30-34)