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The different segments in a value chain in the petroleum industry are presented in the table below - where an oil company’s role and a service company’s role are discussed for each segment.

Table 3 Overview of the different segments in the value chain for the petroleum industry

Oil Companies sector role Oilfield Services sector role Exploration Locate underground rock the asset integrity over life of field and invest if price of crude/gas is supportive to increase the

Case and cement the well, stimulate the well to increase the productivity of the well, and perform work over operations. Enhance the production of existing wells. Perform

recovery rate and lengthen the production.

modification and maintenance operations.

Transportation Oversee the transportation of the produced hydrocarbons from the well site to market.

Build and operate natural gas compression and processing equipment. Support pipeline companies to build and operate pipelines.

Trading Trades petroleum products over the world.

Transportation/shipping activities of the petroleum products.

Marketing &


Oil companies sell gasoline and low sulphur diesel to drivers via service stations and 3rd parties who have their own service stations.

Buy petroleum products from oil companies and produce various products to sell to different clients.


Table showing the bases of the conversation I had with some operators and service companies regarding their personal experiences about outsourcing in their employee company.

Table 4 Overview of dialogue and communication performed with different organizations and companies in the petroleum industry

Question to different representatives in each particular company:

“What are your experience regarding outsourcing, and do you have examples of outsourcing that have failed or haven’t been successful?”

Man ønsket i en studie å finne eksempler på

outsourcing som hadde vært vellykket, og outsourcing som hadde feilet (som ikke hadde gitt ønsket kvalitet, eller der kostnadene hadde steget mer enn antatt).

Fagforeningene stilte de samme spørsmålene, og ville i tillegg se regnestykket på de tjenestene som allerede hadde vært outsourcet en stund i selskapet. Det var lite å hente, både eksternt og internt. Årsakene er ganske åpenbare; det føres ikke regnskap med slikt, og det er heller ikke ønskelig, bevisst eller ubevisst, å få eventuelle negative økonomiske konsekvenser av beslutninger som er tatt flere år tidligere fram i lyset.


The goal is to reduce staff, and at the same time reduce costs. Outsourcing processes requires patency and takes a long time to settle, but we are getting there.

Outsourcing experiences

Informant 3, VP, Oil company

”Dersom jeg skal driste meg til å definere hva som er vår kjernekompetanse inne B&B så er det

nedihullsforståelsen (subsurface). Det er dette

segmentet vi ikke ønsker å «source» ut eller overlate til andre. Denne kunnskapen er kun tilgjengelig for den aktuelle lisensen og definitivt et konkurranse fortrinn ved tildelinger av nye lisenser. Selve operasjonen med å operere riggutstyret som i dag gjøres av for eksempel Archer vil ikke være det vi definerer som

kjernekompetanse. Derimot er det flere elementer i vår kjernekompetanse som vi i en periode med veldig høy aktivitet har satt ut til spesialselskap. Disse tjenestene kan det være aktuelt å ta tilbake. Jeg tenker da på elementer som beregning av kick rater osv. Dette utgjør en svært liten del av total volumet i B&B”.

Outsourcing core competencies

Informant 4, Petroleum

Chemist, Nalco

Nalco uses a lot of time on accounting because the oil companies have outsourced and offshored their accounting department. This results that Nalco have to do a lot of tasks that was earlier done by the operators them selves. This requires a lot of resources in Nalco, which they do not get payed for.

Hidden costs

Baker Hughes have outsourced some of their processes to a third vendor due to release staff to other tasks.

BakerHughes wanted to free this personnel and hope to reduce costs in the end. Instead they observe the same staff use a lot of their time to learn the vendor how to deal with the given tasks which requires a lot of resources. Transportation costs have also increased due to the equipment have to be transported back and fourth to the vendor. This results in increased hidden costs and they haven’t reached their goal of realising staff

because they are still occupied with the same task towards the third vendor.

Deloitte uttalte følgende: vi så på forholdet mellom leverandører og operatør – og hvor viktig samhandling er for å lykkes (inkludert det å velge rett partner, sette rette incentiv i kontrakt og ha ett vinn-vinn forhold).

Ofte er det i samhandlingen det feiler, man gjør ikke riktig forventningsavklaring o.l.