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3 | Materials and Methods

5.5 Limitations of Study and Future Work

A shortcoming of this thesis is the lack of proper ground truth for all CT volumes in the data set. While generating annotations by using existing models gave us more data to work with, learning from imperfect annotations limits the potential of training using supervised learning.

Achieving proper ground truths is desirable, but is also very time consuming and requires the help of expert radiologists.

Collecting more data would also be of great use when trying to improve the model performance.

For the models to generalize properly, a sufficient amount of data that covers many different cases is a requirement. As lung- and lobe segmentation tasks play an important role in computer-aided diagnostic and treatment planning of lung diseases, it is important that the models perform well on diseased lungs. These lungs often contain abnormalities, which we showed that the model did not perform well on, as it was not trained for it. Adding more data with different abnormalities would thus be an important step in making these models capable of segmenting diseased lungs and lobes.

There is a lot of potential in using post-processing to improve the segmentation masks of the lobes. In this thesis, only a simple multiplication of the lung mask was used to improve the results. Unwanted fragments inside the lobes could be removed by mapping groups of voxels with one label surrounded by another label, to that neighbouring label. By using a lot of the same techniques, holes in the lobes could also be filled with the value of the neighbouring labels.


6 | Conclusion

In this thesis, the 3D U-Net introduced by Çiçek et al. [11] and the PLS-Net introduced by Lee et al. [12], were trained and evaluated for automatic lung segmentation, with different combinations of deep learning frameworks, training precision, batch sizes and input resolutions.

The PLS-Net was also trained and evaluated for automatic lobe segmentation, followed by a simple post processing step. The different models were evaluated with respect to training, inference and accuracy performance.

The test results for the lung segmentation showed that the models trained with batch size 2 outperformed the models trained on batch size 1 with respect to accuracy. For the models trained with batch size 2, the choice of framework and training precision did not seem to affect the models accuracy at all. PyTorch gave better training performance, but was slower during inference. However, the inference time was in the order of milliseconds, and the difference will not have any practical impact for the user. Using mixed precision over full precision reduced the memory footprint during training and inference, without affecting the accuracy. Training and inference time were longer for mixed precision than full precision, which was unexpected, and may be due to an implementation error, a bug in the framework or sub-optimal use of the hardware.

Comparison of the two networks showed that the PLS-Net gave a reduction of more than 30% in memory footprint compared to the U-Net, for the same batch size and training data.

This reduction makes it possible to feed larger input volumes, or use larger batch sizes for the PLS-Net. The PLS-Net was faster during inference, but slower during training per epoch, which according to the developers at PyTorch, might be due to a bug with the depthwise separable convolution used in the PLS-Net.

Results from the lobe segmentation study showed that the Dice scores obtained in this study did not reach the scores of Lee et al., as they used almost three times as much data, with larger variability across the data set and proper ground truths checked by expert radiologists.

Adding lung masks to the predicted lobe segmentation masks for post-processing successfully removed the false positives outside of the lungs, and improved the overall Dice score by 0.3%.

The new scores did still not reach the result obtained by Lee et al., as the post-processing did not handle holes (false negatives), fragments and inaccurate fissure detection in the segmented mask.

Applying the lobe segmentation model to CT volumes from a different data set than the one used for training, showed that the model did well on volumes without any significant abnormalities, which means that the model generalizes well across data sets. On volumes containing abnormalities, the model did not perform well. This was not surprising, as the data set used to train the model did not include lungs with severe abnormalities. Overall, the results show that the lung- and lobe segmentation task really is a data diversity problem, more than a problem with the method.

Chapter 6. Conclusion



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NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering Department of Electronic Systems

Master ’s thesis