• No results found

In the following, I want to point to some limitations not discussed in previous chapters, especially Chapter 5. Paper 1 is explorative, with few statistical analyses oriented towards testing correlations and causality. With a broad set of register data over time, there are several possibilities for conducting analysis with a longitudinal design. One suggestion for future research is to identify which, and causes for why, RGFs die or become acquired after their


period of rapid growth. More longitudinal studies into which, and causes for why, RGFs continue to grow or stagnate would also be welcome, contributing to expanding the knowledge from paper 3. Furthermore, I identify a lack of studies investigating the relationship between economic performance and growth and survival within a population.

In paper 1, we discuss whether RGFs are more innovative than other firms. There is little support for such a statement in the previous research. Our results indicate that there are problems when measuring innovative activities with official register data. Measures of innovative capabilities in paper 2 and 3 are used to nuance the understanding of innovative activities. Future research should strive to elaborate on measuring innovation to get a better understanding of what innovation comprises, if innovative activities contribute to growth, and how to develop innovative capabilities within a firm.

Our results in paper 1 indicate that rapid growth is related to locations that seem to be the “preferred location” of particular industries, which opens up for further investigation into whether there are “optimal” locations for firms. In general, we still know little about how industrial and geographical structures influence rapid growth and the importance of firms’

local environment. In papers 2 and 3, I have a relatively small sample, including only RGFs.

A larger data set would open up for more detailed analyses of industrial and locational distribution related to RGFs’ external relations and sources of information.

As explained earlier, there are several theories not used and factors related to rapid growth not investigated empirically yet, for example the influence of regulations and politics (institutional dynamics), power and conflicts in RGFs, and more. In general, analyses of larger datasets with a broader set of variables, including datasets across countries, are recommended for future studies. In addition, more in-depth case studies are also needed to understand the mechanisms of growth and decline.



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