• No results found

Limitations and suggestions for further research

Chapter 6. Conclusions

6.1 Limitations and suggestions for further research

This study undoubtedly has some limitations that may serve for future improvements and broaden research. One of the main limitations encountered along the way is the fact of

generalizability. This concept implies that in the case of conducted interviews, generalizations of the results to the population of shipping companies can commonly not be done, because small samples were analysed and the collected data came from just one company within the shipping industry. However, generalizations to theory may be done.

Furthermore, all informants were mid-experienced executives. The non-executives points of view about organizational culture and organizational learning is therefore not directly

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investigated. Finally, the study is performed within one single context. Further research should study, various branch offices around the globe with informants from different nationalities. As a general note, research studies involving organizational culture and organizational learning

specially focused on shipping companies located in South America is very poor. Giant steps must be covered to keep building the road.



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Appendix A – Observatio n guide form

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Appendix B – Interview guide gratitude & confidentiality consent form

Title of study: How does the organizational culture influence on the organizational learning of a shipping company?

Study researcher: Jorge Mario Garzón Jiménez

Invitation to participate & study description

As one of nine mid experienced executives selected within this shipping company, you are invited to participate in a research study about organizational learning and organizational culture.

Specifically, which components of the culture influence learning, according to your professional experience, and what happens with the generation of new ideas and adoption of new procedures from both external and internal sources. By agreeing to make part in this research study, you are allowing me to interview you once this spring. The interview should take no more than sixty minutes. I will be recording the meeting to avoid loosing valuable information and comments.

Also I will be taking some notes along the session.

Risks & benefits

This research study does not comprise any type of physical harm. You will only be asked 14

This research study does not comprise any type of physical harm. You will only be asked 14