• No results found

9. D ISCUSSION AND I MPLICATIONS 1 Discussion of the Results

9.4 Limitation and Future Research

9.4 Limitation and Future Research

The research is mainly conducted with the second hand data sources. However, the second hand data is preferred because of the low availability of the first hand information. After several trial to contact the employees working in the company, only few of them really willing to take the interview. Therefore, the data collection are hindered by such obstacles. Data availability should be enhanced to improve the generalisation of research findings. Additionally, the research is mainly based on the reports and journals, and also some other sources second hand information, which make the research findings highly reliant on the old-fashioned information. The differences in cultural and social contexts also make it rather challenging for the CSR

scholars to generalise their findings to the wider range of businesses. However, the research finding is still valuable because of the nuances in business contexts can lead to differences in CSR conducts, even though there are limits on the generalisation of the research finding.

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