• No results found

3. Results

3.2 PCA

Minor allele frequencies (MAF) was calculated for our plots 1-12, and then put through a principal component analysis (PCA) in a software called Unscrambler [12].

The result is shown in Fig 3.


Fig 3. Principal component analysis after removing SNPs with a number of reads outside of

the interval 100-499 in or more of the samples and removing all SNPs with a MAF less than 0.05 in one or more of its samples. The PCA is based on the calculated minor allele frequency for all plots 1-12. Plot 1-8 are the pure-plots, and 9-12 are the mixed-plots. Plot 3-5 are replicates of the same plot (73) and 6-8 are replicates of the same plot (146).

The first axis of the PCA, the PC-1 axis, explains 25% of the variation among the plots. As mentioned earlier, stand 1-8 was the pure stands, and 9-12 was the mixed stands, and if we study how the stands are distributed along the PC1, it seems that all the mixed stands are on the left side of PC1, and almost all pure stands, except 6, is on the right side. Short, PC1 seem to divide the plots into groups of pure stands and groups of mixed stands. PC2 explains about 10% of the variation among the plots but doesn`t have a visible pattern as PC1 have. PCA is a kind of a statistical analysis method were samples are compared to each other and shows of much they vary compared to each other. The closer some samples are to each other, the less they vary compared to each other. Since the axes explains different amounts of variation, this should be considered when studying distance between samples.

14 3.3 Correlation between replicates

In Fig 3 above, plot 3-5 are the 73-replicates, and 6-8 are the 146-replicates. It is hard to see any correlation between the 146-replicates, because these are far apart. The 73-replicates are closer to each other, which might indicate a stronger correlation between the 73-replicates.

3.4 Comparison between pure plots, and mixed plots

The pure samples are sample 1-8 in the PCA, while the mixed samples are the samples 9-12. In the PCA these two groups seem to be divided into two groups, one with only pure samples, and one with almost only mixed samples. The pure samples seem to mostly cluster together, with sample 5 somewhat far away. Sample 6 is in the group of “mixed samples», indicating it to be different from the other pure samples. However, this is caused by random variation, since individuals from the same plot have been under the same kind of selection pressure relative to the SNPs we are researching and should therefore not have any other variation than what is caused by random effects. As mentioned, the mixed samples seem to be grouped to themselves but compared to the pure samples group, the mixed samples doesn`t seem to cluster as much, and is more spread, indicating that there is more variance within the mixed group than within the pure group.

3.5 Comparison of the replicates

We have already done a PCA to analyze the correlation between replicates. Another method is to calculate the average of the R2 for each possible relationship (1-2, 1-3, 2-3), and the average R2.


Table 4. Comparative statistics for the replicates from plot 73 and plot 146, based on data

extracted from the whole dataset, which had been MAF0.05 filtered and read100-499 filtered.

3.6 Identification of SNPs with significantly different allele frequencies in pure stands vs.

species mixtures

After removing the SNPs that had one or more samples with a number of reads outside the interval 100-499 and removing all SNPs with one or more minor-allele-frequencies below 0.05 it`s necessary to know which of them that appear with a significant different allele-frequency between the pure stands and the mixed stands.

To do this we used a CHI2-test. To use this test, I first calculated the FST-values. We have twelve samples, but since 3-5 are replicates of stand 73, and 6-8 of stand 146, I have in reality 4 pure stands and 4 mixed stands. This means that an average

frequency was calculated for the 73 replicates, and the 146 replicates. The FST-values were calculated by comparing the q-frequency (ALT-frequency) of every single pure stand against the average of the mixed stands and vice versa. This way each SNP have eight different FST-values, and each of these for all the SNPs was tested with a CHI2 -test at p-level 0.1, 0.05 and 0.01. All the SNPs that didn`t show significance in all its FST-values was removed from the dataset, giving us three datasets, one for each p-level. Some of the SNPs were located on a known chromosomal locus, but others were only located on scaffolds. The ones located on scaffolds (85 240 SNPs) were removed from the datasets, since many of them appeared to be in highly variable regions. At P-level = 0.1 it was nine different SNPs that showed a significant different allelic variation between pure stands and mixed stands. The number was reduced to six for p-level = 0.05, but none were left at p-level 0.01. False-discovery-rate was also calculated for each p-level. Which SNPs that showed significant allelic variation between pure stands and mixed stands at different p-levels, and their FDR, are shown in Table 5 below.


Table 5. Chromosomal SNPs calculated to be significant at the p-levels 0.1, 0.05 and 0.01

when our data have been put through a MAF0.05 and read100-499 filtering. An “X” marks which of the SNPs are significant at the different p-levels. There is no SNPs with a known chromosomal location that is significant at p-level 0.01. At the bottom of each column is the calculated FDR for the P-level

SNP significant

Fig 4. Chromosomal maps for the SNPs we discovered to appear with significant different allele-frequency between the pure-stands and the mixed-stands. The ones that are red are significant at both p-level = 0.1 and 0.05, while the black ones are only significant at 0.1.

The map was made with a software called MapChart [13].


Table 6. The average q-allele (ALT) frequencies and SEs in both pure stands and mixed stands for all the nine SNPs tested to be significant in a CHI2-test at P-level = 0.1.

SNP Average

After finding out which SNPs that seem appear with significant allelic variation between pure -and mixed stands an effort were put into finding out if they appear with about the same frequency in another set with red clovers. To do this CAPS-markers were developed and used, and the new material that were genotyped was descendants of the survivor-generation sent to BGI for GBS. First, I needed to find primers that could be used to PCR-amplify the areas where the SNPs were located.

Possible primers were found for four SNPs deemed to be significant at p-level= 0.1.

Only a few of them however were chosen for testing. I chose the four with the greatest difference in allele frequency between pure stands and mixed stands.

• TP6_4397690

• TP4_23347267

• TP4_11383593

• TP2_18520944

These were tested by using them to PCR-amplify, and then having their gel-image studied after the gel-electrophoresis was done. These results can be seen in the appendix, Gel1 – Gel23.


With the restriction-cutting done, each sample on the gel-images need to have their genotypes interpreted. Each individual will have one of three genotypes, aa, bb or ab.

In this instance aa means homozygote uncut, bb is homozygous cut, and ab means heterozygous cut and uncut. Cut and uncut is different allelic versions of the SNP.

How these different genotypes look like on a gel is shown in Fig 5 beneath.

Fig 5. To the far left is the gel-image for the aa “homozygous uncut” -genotype, while the middle shows the bb “homozygous cut” -genotype. To the far right of the image shows both an uncut sequence and cut sequences, meaning this is the ab “heterozygous cut and uncut” -genotype. This image was used when interpreting the gel samples.

The result of the interpretation of the gel-images for TP2_18520944 and TP6_4397690 can be seen in Table 7 and Table 8 respectively.

Table 7. How many individuals within each population that had the different genotypes. The SNP is TP2_18520944. The “blank” genotype is for the individuals that didn`t show anything

on the gel-image. The a-allele = the ALT-allele, b-allele = the REF-allele.

1 2 3 4 5 6 73 84 146 150 aa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 bb 3 3 3 4 4 5 16 11 8 11 ab 2 2 1 0 1 1 1 4 7 5 Blank 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0


Table 8. How many individuals within each population that had the different genotypes. The SNP is TP6_4397690. The “blank” genotype is for the individuals that didn`t show anything

on the gel-image. The a-allele = the ALT-allele, b-allele = the REF-allele.

1 2 3 4 5 6 73 84 146 150 aa 3 1 0 2 1 1 4 8 7 3 bb 0 2 1 1 1 1 5 5 2 5 ab 2 2 3 1 3 4 8 2 6 8 Blank 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0

The data presented in Table 7 and Table 8 can be used in further analysis. For example, we know that individuals descended from population 1-6 are from

Kvithamar and the rest is from Ås. We also know that population 1-3, 73 and 146 are pure-stands red clover, while population 4-6, 84 and 150 are mixed-stands red clover.

Various kinds of allele frequencies can be found. The general a-frequency and b-frequency, a -and b frequencies with pure -and mixed stands, a -and b frequencies within the groups Ås-individuals and Kvithamar-individuals, and frequencies within combination-groups such as Ås-pure stands or Kvithamar-mixed stands.

Table 9. Allele frequencies, for TP2_18520944 F4R4, within each group of pure or mixed, and Ås or Kvithamar. The a-allele = the ALT-allele, b-allele = the REF-allele.

a-freq. b-freq.

Pure 0,16 0,84

Mixed 0,12 0,88

Ås 0,14 0,86

Kvithamar 0,12 0,88

Table 10. Allele frequencies, for TP2_18520944 F4R4, within each combination of location and type of growth culture. The a-allele = the ALT-allele, b-allele = the REF-allele.

a-freq Pure Mixed


Table 11. Allele frequencies, for TP6_4397690 F3R3, within each group of pure or mixed, and Ås or Kvithamar. The a-allele = the ALT-allele, b-allele = the REF-allele.

a-freq b-freq

Pure 0,53 0,47

Mixed 0,52 0,48

Ås 0,53 0,47

Kvithamar 0,52 0,48

Table 12. Allele frequencies, for TP6_4397690 F3R3, within each combination of location and type of growth culture. The a-allele = the ALT-allele, b-allele = the REF-allele.

a-freq. Pure Mixed

Table 13. The table shows what the a-allele frequency was in the GBS data, and what it was in the Vollebekk greenhouse genotyping.


The DNA-samples sent to BGI for genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) were pooled, meaning instead of sending a lot of single individuals DNA-samples, we instead choose to send a total of 12 different samples, which each was a pool of DNA-samples from 100 different individuals. Ultimately, a genotyping of all the single individuals would give more secure data, but according to [21], pooling the DNA from many individuals this way, followed up by a filtration of the data received from the GBS can reach an accuracy that is above 90% of what we get from genotyping every single individual. Considered time and resources saved by genotyping pooled


samples instead of single individuals, a drop of only a few percent accuracy is acceptable.

4.2 Filtration of the dataset

The dataset received from BGI contained several things. It had all the SNPs in T.

pratense they had managed to identify by GBS, which chromosome or scaffold they were located on, and their locus if they were on chromosomes. For each SNP they had identified what is referred to as a REF-allele (reference-allele) and an ALT-allele (alternative allele), and how many “reads” was detected for each of these. All 12 pooled samples had their own number of ALT-alleles and REF-alleles. The REF-alleles is the version of the SNPs they found that was the same as what is shown in the LIS database [20], while the ALT-alleles are not. As mentioned above, this dataset need to be filtered if we are going to be able to use it. One way to filtrate the dataset to increase accuracy is to remove all SNP with a total number of reads below 100 in one or more of the 12 samples. The reason for this is simple, we need to reduce the impact of single observations. With just a few reads the estimated allele-frequency becomes more uncertain. Another related filtration performed was the read499, meaning that all SNPs with a total number of reads at 500 or above in one or more of the 12 samples is removed. This seems strange at first, as more data usually means more accurate statistics. However, according to [21], it seems that accuracy in data decrease when reaching 600 reads and above. Here they had compared data gained from genotyping individuals with data gained from genotyping pools with individuals, and the statistical accuracy for SNPs with 600 and above number of reads seems to drop from around 90% to around 80%. To keep a certain level of accuracy it was therefore decided to keep the number of reads in the interval 100-499.

Another kind of filtration our SNPs went through is what we refer to as the MAF0.05-filtration. Details for how the MAF is defined can be found in method and material 2.2, but with the MAF0.05-filtration method all SNPs with a MAF below 0.05 in one or more of the 12 samples are removed. This is because low allele-frequencies are very uncertain. For example, if we by random sampling of 100 individuals get a frequency of 0.01, we can`t be certain if this in reality is 0.001, or maybe 0.02. Because of this uncertainty we remove the SNPs with one or more MAFs at 0.05.

22 4.3 PCA

After the filtration of our dataset was done I performed a principal component analysis on the MAF-values. The results can be seen in Fig 3. It`s easy to think that plots in a PCA that is far apart is very different, but remember to consider the scale of the axis, and from which axis the viewpoint is. In our PCA sample 3 and sample 8 might seem far away from each other but is actually very close if only viewed from the X-axis. When studying the different plots according to the PC1, it seems to distinguish the plots into two “groups”, a group with pure stands (samples 1-8) and a group with mixed stands (samples 9-12). However, the pure -and the mixed stands are not perfectly divided, because stand 6, which is a pure stand, is grouped with the mixed stands on the PC1 (X-axis). Why stand 6 is among the mixed stands might be because of random effects in the 100 individuals making up stand 6, combined with the fact that PC1 only explain about 25% of the total variation in our 12 pooled samples.

PC2 explains about 10% of the total variation between the 12 samples, but compared to PC1, it`s hard to define any groups based on any data we have about our samples.

The experiment is design to only have two distinct groups with T. pratense, pure stands and mixed stands, and beyond PC1 they don`t seem to be any different.

4.4 Analysis of the replicates

To know something about the variation between distinct groups and plots we also need to study the variation within a plot. If the variation within a plot is great, then the variation between plots might not be as significant as it seems. To study the within-plot-variation we took three replicate samples from each of two plots. We took three samples with 100 individuals each from plot 73, and the same for plot 146. Sample 3-5 in the 12 samples are the plot 73 replicates, while sample 6-8 are the 146 replicates. All these samples were put through PCA with the rest of the samples.

When studying the PCA-plots for the 73 replicates we can see that there is very little variation between 73-replicate 1 and 2 (sample 3 and 4), while replicate 3 (sample 5) are some further away, indicating some variance. In total the 73-replicates seem to vary very little, indicating only a low level of variation in stand 73. However, when


studying the PCA of the 146-replicates it seem to be a great variation, as each replicate is far away from one another. Replicate 2 and 3 (sample 7 and 8) are not that far away from each other on PC1, but there is some distance between them on PC2, indicating some, but little variance. Replicate 1 (sample 6) are however far away from both replicate 2 and 3, showing a great variation within plot 146.

PCA is somewhat only a visual representation of the variation between replicates of the same plot, we can also calculate R2 as an estimation of the correlation between the replicates of the same plot. The result of this calculation is shown in Table 4. The 73-replicates have an estimated R2 around 0.9, meaning that there is a very high correlation between the 73-replicates. The 146-replicates have R2s just slightly below 0.90, which also is very good, only a few per cents away from what it was in the 73-replicates. There is some variation, but just little. The variation within each group of replicates (73 and 146) is due to random effects, since they have been subject to approximately the same selection pressures. The greatest variation in the MAF-dataset seem to be between pure stands and mixed stands. However, there is also a very large variation between replicate samples from the same plot. As mentioned, this is due to random effects. It seems to be a large variation between the mixed stands, but less among the pure stands. All in all it`s a larger variation between pure stands and mixed stands than there is among replicate samples of the same plot, but not much.

4.5 Discovery of significant SNPs

To find which of the SNPs in the list that had significantly different allele frequency in the pure stands and the mixed stands, I first calculated a pairwise Fst between the single pure plots and the average of the mixed stands and vice versa, and then put them through CHI2-tests with the P-values 0.1, 0.05 and 0.01. The result of the CHI2 -test can be seen in Table 5. When performing the CHI2-test I only consider the SNPs with a known chromosomal location, and not those located on scaffolds. At the least stringent test level, P = 0.1, I get a total of 9 different SNPs that are considered to appear with significant different frequency between the pure stands and the mixed stands. When the stringency level is increased to P = 0.05, we are left with 6 different SNPs, but when I increase the stringency further to P = 0.01 we got no SNPs. For


obvious reasons we can`t work further with P = 0.01, so we must choose between P = 0.1 and P = 0.05. Considered how few SNPs we are left with we find it best to work with P = 0.1, which also gives us an acceptable FDR = 0,05 (Table 5), meaning that about 5% of our SNPs seem significant due to random effects, without actual being significant. What the actual allele-frequency for these SNPs are is shown in Table 6.

Here we can see a clear difference between the average frequency of the pure stands and the mixed stands, with some SNPs having a greater frequency within the pure stands, and others having a greater frequency within the mixed stands. These frequencies become relevant later when we develop a marker-assisted method to read an individual’s genotype for specific SNPs. The standard error for each stands SNP-frequency is also at an acceptable level. This mean that if we take the average q-allele frequency (ALT-frequency) ± 2*SE (i.e. the 95% confidence interval) for both the pure stands and the mixed stands the intervals won`t overlap.

4.6 Genotyping

The individuals tested to be significant at P = 0.10 is the basis for our work further to

The individuals tested to be significant at P = 0.10 is the basis for our work further to