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Protocol for a rapid systematic review

What do we know about research on consequences of racism and dis-crimination due to ethnicity and religion?


Sabine Wollscheid1*, Brit Lynnebakke1, Lone W. Fossum1, Ann C. Bergene1 and Dag W. Aksnes

1 Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education (NIFU), Norway

*Corresponding author: sabine.wollscheid@nifu.no Description and aims


International research found numerous negative consequences of racism and discrimina-tion. Discrimination can affect, for example, physical and mental health (Paradies et al., 2015; Hansen & Sørlie, 2012) and access to the labour market (Midtbøen, 2016). Addi-tionally, discrimination itself might lead to withdrawal and avoidance of certain areas where one expects to be discriminated against (e.g., Kunst og Phillibert, 2018; Fangen and Lynnebakke, 2014). One example is the media, where hateful statements can lead to with-drawal from public debate (Midtbøen et al., 2017), which illustrates that individual and societal consequences of discrimination often are highly intertwined.

Generally, there has been a shift in international research from looking at what discrimi-nation includes to what its consequences are. Our understanding of discrimidiscrimi-nation is in-formed by Kohler-Hausmann (2020) who defines discrimination as “an action or practice that excludes, disadvantages, or merely differentiates between individuals or groups of individuals on the basis of some ascribed or perceived trait”, underscoring, however, that

"the definition is itself subject to substantial debate”.

Concerning racism, we follow the definition of Pettigrew (2020), i.e., as “a doctrine that holds that the world’s human population consists of various “races” that are the primary determinants of human traits and capacities. This doctrine typically regards one’s own race as superior to other races.” There is extensive controversy regarding how to define

12 Wollscheid, S., Lynnebakke, B., Fossum, L. W., Bergene, A. C., & Aksnes, D. W. (2021, September 21).