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Once a week on a fixed day.

Registration contents

Part 1:Please answer the following questions as best as you can

1. Have you had any difficulties participating in normal training and competition due to injury, illness or other health problems during the past week?

2. To what extent have you reduced your training volume due to injury, illness or other health problems during the past week?

3. To what extent has injury, illness or other health problems affected your performance during the past week?

4. To what extent have you experienced symptoms/health complaints during the past week?

Part 2: If you have experienced injuries/illnesses, you will continue with these questions 1. Is the health problem an injury or illness?

2. Select the area that best describes the injury / illness?

3. Please state the number of days over the past 7-day period that you have had to completely miss training or competition du to this problem?

4. Is this the first time you have reported this injury?

5. Have you reported the problem to the medical device?

6. Do you have more injuries to report?

What kind of information do we get?

The injury registration systemize information about acute injury, overuse injuries and health problems. The registration may detect health problems and symptoms before it develops into an overuse injury. It also record small injuries/illness that are often overseen in traditional injury registration


It is important that you register all your health problems every week, even if you have registered the same problem before, or if you are receiving treatment for it. If you have several injuries/

illnesses within one week, be sure to record all of them by going through the registration several times. Record the most serious injury/illness first.

Your team physician/physiotherapist/fitness coach will receive a message when you record and injury. It is important to emphasize that this system does not replace your regular contact with the medical team. Please continue to make direct contact with the team physician or physiotherapist when you need it.


The visualization indicates a severity score of the injury/illness to be used in research. Each of the questions (1-4) scores 0-25, and the larger the sum is, the larger the severity score is. It is important to emphasize that only your team physician or physiotherapist can diagnose and decide how seriously your injury or illness is.

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