• No results found

Increasingly Complex Environments

In our approach, the complexity of the environments stayed the same throughout the generations of the EA. One approach that could be explored is to increase the complexity of the environment throughout evolution, for example by creat-ing new possible environmental states and input types, or through some other measure like procedurally generated environments. This could facilitate the de-velopment of adaptation and complexity of the agents in the later generations.

Chapter 10


The main goal of this thesis was to explore how using EAs on SNNs could evolve controllers for agents that were capable of self-learning throughout their life-time by interacting with mutable environments through simulation. A weight-agnostic neuroevolution technique based on NEAT, but modified for SNNs was used to evolve controllers. Local learning rules and STDP were the mechanisms used to adjust weights in order for learning to happen. All of these approaches came together in the the first implementation of the NAGI framework. Exper-iments were conducted in order to measure properties related to AGI, such as self-learning, adaptation and generalization.

The results from the experiments showed that agents emerging from the frame-work were able to consistently achieve a high accuracy of beneficial actions in validation simulations with constantly changing environments, even being able to generalize by achieving a high accuracy in new environments that were never encountered during training. The agents showed signs of self-adaptation through sensory experiences by changing their course of action when exposed to the emulated pain. It was found that optimizing the speed of decision making comes with a trade-off of lower confidence in the decision making, and design-ing a proper fitness measure that optimizes both accuracy and confidence at the same time proved challenging.

The results showed that it is possible to use SNN architectures and STDP for weight adjustment to create controllers with AGI at a very basic level, but also that considerable care must be taken when designing a neuroevolution technique in order to evolve them. The results suggest that more research should be spent on designing a neuroevolution technique that properly guides the evolution of controllers towards AGI, as well as researching agent-environment interactions with more complex data encoding.


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