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In this thesis, we investigated the role of personality traits in a military selection and training context - their role in explaining variance in interview ratings of leader potential, and their ability to predict military performance in a longitudinal

perspective. Our aim was to contribute to NAF’s effort to select the personnel most likely to perform well as military leaders, and increase their knowledge of what characterizes these individuals, with regards to personality traits. With regards to the utility of personality assessments as a selection method, our findings do not support the use of FFM personality assessments as a means to predict the military

performance of NCO cadets, at least not when the MSS is used as performance criteria. However, as our findings indicate that extraversion, conscientiousness and openness to some degree is a part of what NCOS consider as leader potential, it is somewhat surprising that the same personality traits do not seem to predict military performance to a greater extent than what was found is this thesis. Similarly, it is also surprising that we found the predictive power of one of NCOS’ current selection methods, the selection interview, to be low. However, as discussed in this thesis, there are several possible explanations for our findings, as well as limitations in this thesis. As our findings indicate that personality traits to some degree play a role in the selection of NCO candidates, we encourage further research on the topic of

personality traits in a military selection and training context. With increased


knowledge about this topic, the Norwegian Armed Forces may be better able to select the individuals that are most suited for military service.


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