• No results found

6. Adaptive System Design and Implementation A significant body of work has been dedicated to the

6.5. Implementation Issues

Implementing an adaptive system for delivering 3D models over networks is a non-trivial task. The complexity arises

primarily from the necessity to combine techniques from dif-ferent domains into a common framework. These domains include:

1. Networking: the adaptive system must take into account the heterogeneity of the environment and it must contend with the various issues that networked applications face:

network resource management, error resilience, and fault tolerance.

2. Rendering: since the end goal is to display and visualize the 3D models on the computers which have requested them, techniques developed in the graphics field must be exploited to create visual representations that meet the exigencies of the application for which they are used.

3. Virtual manipulation/navigation: the main reason behind using 3D models and not 2D images is the need for inter-acting with the model in real-time. Therefore, algorithms that have been developed for rendering acceleration to support interactivity must be folded into the system as well.

4. Database management: while simple models may be stored in single files, others may consist of collections of files corresponding to various types of information asso-ciated with the models. Alternatively, for processing and transmission purposes, caching of different representa-tions associated with a model may result in multi-element collections. In such cases, the system has to deal with is-sues such as search, retrieval, and access to these files.

5. Security: is paramount to the success of such systems, as it becomes a major concern for almost all applications of networked graphics. Technologies for authentication, encryption, and watermarking are just a few examples of what may be required as part of the system.

While we emphasize the importance of all of the above topics when building an adaptive networked graphics frame-work, we restrict our discussion here to implementation con-cerns related to network transmission and rendering.

The action that initiates model transfer between a client computer and a remote repository is usually the request of a model of interest from the repository by a user or an applica-tion. Typically, the request goes to either a server in a client-server type of architecture or to a proxy client-server that identi-fies the requested data on nodes in a distributed environment.

Unless the original representation of a model is used or un-less the representation(s) to be delivered has been cached, the data has to be loaded for processing at the source nodes.

In the case of complex models, loading a model into mem-ory may take a very long time. Hence, if the resources are available, it may be more efficient to dedicate certain nodes (or processes) to servicing complex models that are most fre-quently requested. Thus, a model is loaded once and various requests for that particular model are routed and handled by the process dedicated to that model, as opposed to loading the model upon each request.

Server scalability is another important issue. 3D models are becoming commodity media items, which implies that millions of requests have to be handled simultaneously. A distributed server may be one solution for such situations.

A related concern is the type of connection and the amount of bookkeeping that has to be maintained on the server for each client. For example, if a point-to-point com-munication using a TCP socket is established between a server and each of its clients, then the alternatives are: (a) to keep an open connection for each client for the duration of a client session at the price of allowing only a limited number of clients to have access to this server, or (b) to open a connection for each request and to close it after the request is serviced, thus introducing an overhead for setting up con-nections. Bookkeeping may also impact scalability. If only the server has access to the models and their structure, then any adaptive processing that may be required will have to be done on the server. Choosing to transmit some information about the model to clients (e.g., meta-data) may enable them to make decisions locally and, on that basis, to request data from the servers.

The implementation of an adequate transmission protocol for the geometry and related data (textures, materials, anno-tations, etc.) is important for dealing with some of the issues mentioned in section5.2.2, such as reliable vs. lossy trans-mission and buffer caching.

On the client side, there are a number of design and im-plementation issues to be considered, as well. For exam-ple, it may be desirable to separate communication with the server, the decoding of the data received, and the rendering of the model. A common solution is to dedicate a separate thread to each of these activities, with the caveats of possi-bly having to synchronize them and to manage the commu-nication between these threads. Rendering the data as soon as it becomes available may not be efficient, as updating a frame may require redrawing an entire scene. Accumulating data and not displaying it, however, may impact the inter-activity and the ability of the user to steer the downloading process. Adequate buffering strategies that compromise be-tween these alternatives must therefore be implemented.

Finally, an important issue is where the bulk of the se-lection work is performed: on the server or on the client.

If the selection is performed on the server, the advantage is that model information necessary to compute estimates of the performance parameters does not have to be transmitted to the client. However, doing all the selection work on the server considerably increases the server load, which has an impact on scalability. If the selection is performed on the client, additional data about the model has to be downloaded to help make an informed decision. The latter approach may be preferable if good performance estimates can be derived without excessively increasing the size of the meta-data.


In multimedia jargon, transcoding defines the process that is used to convert multimedia content from one form to an-other. By extension, transcoding of 3D content implies the use of different representation modalities to deliver models adaptively to various clients.

We regard models as collections of components that can be individually transmitted and rendered. This allows for effi-cient data management and fine-grained schemes for mea-suring perceptual importance. Combining different modali-ties for representing each component typically leads to better performance than the use of a "one-size-fits-all" strategy.

The selection of the most appropriate representation to be sent to requesting clients should account for the resources available, the importance of various components to the final rendering, as well as for user preferences.

A monitoring tool is a necessary part of an adaptive environ-ment that provides quantitative information about the state of the environment. Preferably, such a tool captures infor-mation about the environment dynamically, so that the ap-plication framework can adapt to changes that may have an impact on the overall performance.

7. Conclusions

In this course, we have described the main issues related to the delivery of 3D models over networks. We started by re-viewing basic notions of networking and we presented a sur-vey of some of the most important technologies developed for optimizing rendering and transmission of 3D models. By formulating the problems of universal access to non-trivial 3D models and by contrasting different methods, we illus-trated the importance of adaptive approaches. We conveyed the fact that graphics and networking are both mature fields, which have been traditionally considered separately, but are now beginning to converge. Our main goal was to emphasize the various possibilities for leveraging existing technologies from both areas, to create powerful networked graphics en-vironments.


The authors would like to thank all of those who contributed to the preparation of the material for this tutorial. In partic-ular, we would like to thank Dirk Bartz, Fausto Bernardini, Paul Borrel, Josh Mittleman, Bengt-Olaf Schneider, Claudio Silva, Frank Suits, and Gabriel Taubin.

QuickDraw3D is a trademark of Apple Computer Cor-poration. 3D Studio MAX is a registered trademark of Au-todesk, Incorporated. HotMedia is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. MetaStream

is a trademark of MetaCreations, Incorporated. Direct3D is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. RealPlayer is a registered trademark of RealNetworks, Incorporated. In-ventor, IRIS Performer, OpenGL are trademarks of Silicon Graphics, Incorporated. Java, Java 3D, Javascript, and XGL are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Incorporated.


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Appendix A: A Brief History of VRML

The Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) was the first sig-nificant effort to focus on the delivery of 3D graphics across the World Wide Web. While the arrangement of graphical structures into directed acyclic graphs (scene graphs) can be traced back to Sutherland’s work on Sketchpad83, many of the other features and conventions in VRML can be traced back to SGI’s Inventor

The Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) was the first sig-nificant effort to focus on the delivery of 3D graphics across the World Wide Web. While the arrangement of graphical structures into directed acyclic graphs (scene graphs) can be traced back to Sutherland’s work on Sketchpad83, many of the other features and conventions in VRML can be traced back to SGI’s Inventor