• No results found

The emotional tone used by the older person when expressing a worry is important to notice in order to identify the personal meaning embedded in these expressions. Thus, if nursing staff are to respond in a supportive way, it is crucial to note the tone. This will help in enabling us to establish whether these expressions convey information important for how care should be provided for the individual person. This knowledge can help nursing staff and students to become more aware of particular times during routine communication in home care visits that may be of emotional significance to the older person, and how the practice of sensitivity at these moments may be highly relevant to the provision of person-centred support and the practice of person-centred care.

This thesis suggests that the linkage described between the VR-CoDES (presented as response behaviours) and ways of providing highly supportive responses presented in this thesis, can form a sound theoretical basis for developing communication training programmes which target emotional communication in home care visits underpinned by person-centred values. The application of VR-CoDES for educational purposes is also supported by one of the studies included in the COMHOME project. There, observations were performed using the VR-CoDES which formed the basis for providing nurses with individualised feedback aimed at enhancing emotional interaction with older home care recipients (Veenvliet et al., 2016). Educational programs have been developed based on the empirical findings from this thesis, and are currently implemented in the curriculum of the nursing education at the University of South-Eastern Norway. Such training

programmes may also prove helpful for nursing staff in handling moments of emotional communication during home care visits in order to ensure that the older person’s emotional needs are addressed in a person-centred way - which may in turn also foster continued healthy ageing. Given the unresolved issues relating to whether an affective

105 focus is preferred by patients, and in what circumstances emotion-focused response behaviours may contribute to more effective person-centred care delivery, further exploration may be desirable. This investigation could involve the use of research designs allowing us to examine cause and effect on outcomes like patient preferences, patient health and the care relationship.

9.1.2 Methodological development

The “two-step approach” developed through the work conducted as part of this thesis, is of methodological value in its own right in that it provides a reliable way of selecting which moments to include from the vast number of hours of recorded communication collected for this thesis. Further, the description of the purpose and significance of each step of the “two-step approach” could be used as a framework for other researchers who might encounter similar challenges to ours. This also highlights the value of a mixed-method approach in the investigation of communication.

The description of applying the VR-CoDES in an unfamiliar clinical setting contributes to the understanding of the strengths and limitations of this observational system. Further, the coding scheme for topical content of expressed worries outlined in this thesis was successfully overlaid the cues/concerns derived from the VR-CoDES. This coding scheme could be used by other researchers in a similar fashion to the way it was used in this thesis, or be further developed to allow the analysis of segments in the communication where cues/concerns and corresponding responses representing the same topical issue can be sequentially analysed.

Further, linking the VR-CoDES and the supportive communication framework allowed for the discussion of how VR-response codes reflect levels of person-centredness in a broader sense, rather than by merely focusing on the communication behaviour of

acknowledging affect.


9.1.3 Implications for research

The findings of this thesis point to the need for further research into emotional communication in home care visits across the board. This thesis has suggested a

theoretical approach allowing exploration of different ways for the nursing staff to practise principles of person-centredness in moments of emotional communication. However, there is a need to test this framework further. Testing older person’s preferences when it comes to nursing staff’s response behaviours will help theory constructions on what features are actually perceived as person-centred and supportive for older persons during emotional communication in this setting. Investigation into the perspectives of the nursing staff working in home care on response behaviours in relation to themes of worries can also prove fruitful. This may give us deeper insight into the driving factors influencing nursing staff’s response strategy when responding to distress. Specifically, there is a need for further research investigating how best to address and support worries about “ageing and bodily impairment”. Another important subject requiring further investigation is whether nursing staff actually follow up on older person’s experiences of pain in the moment during home care visits, either by using non-verbal behaviours, or by returning to the subject later in the visits or by applying other care measures.

This thesis does not consider the matter of whether main themes of worries are perceived as relevant for the older persons themselves, or whether the worries expressed represent issues that older persons expect to be addressed during home care at all, or how nursing staff provide support in the best way in these moments. It is impossible to say anything about how the older persons in this thesis actually appraised the different situations when the expressions of worries were identified, due to limitations of analysing observational data. However, these aspects are considered to be an eminently worthwhile subject for further investigation as a way of enhancing understanding of emotional needs among older persons receiving home care and how older persons may be supported through person-centred communication.

What does emerge is that emotional communication highlights issues relevant to older persons’ emotional well-being and health; thus emotional communication

107 represents moments where nursing staff can offer support, which is of cardinal importance in reaching person-centred communication outcomes.



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