• No results found

What goods are being transported? And how exposed are these goods to physical and transition risks? (e.g., transport of oil and gas)

Suburban and interurban passenger land transport:

9. What goods are being transported? And how exposed are these goods to physical and transition risks? (e.g., transport of oil and gas)

Sustainable Edge Sector Brief: Shipping

Key analyst questions for all companies in this sector

1. What is the share of zero-carbon vehicles in the company’s fleet?

2. What are the company’s targets and strategies for decarbonisation? Does the company have a strategy for full electrification of its fleet by 2050, in line with global goals?

3. How does the company account for life cycle emissions?

4. If financing electric vehicles, will this also include the expansion of vehicle charging infrastructure?

5. For alternative energy vehicles (biofuel, hydrogen), how is the fuel sourced?

6. How are climate resilience factors determined and integrated into company activities?

7. What regions does the company operate in? Long vs short distance transportation?

8. What are the environmental policies for suppliers and sourcing of materials related to production of vehicles and associated infrastructure?

9. What goods are being transported? And how exposed are these goods to physical and transition risks? (e.g., transport of oil and gas)


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Sustainable Edge Sector Brief: Land Transport


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