• No results found

Future work

In document Assetfront Repair (sider 60-66)

Discussion and Conclusion

6.3 Future work

Even though the team had managed to implement the requirements mentioned in Chapter2, there is still a room for improvement. The currently developed application lacks the factor of security as it is not need for nowadays use. However, this factor can make the application more complete.

Moreover, the application can have an extra feature where the user can register an account that consists of his or her personal data. In the current solution, the user must enter personal data every time a form is filled. With the intention of creating an ideal application, the team though of implementing these features in the planning phase. However, this was outside of the scope of the assignment. One way to implement the aforementioned functionalities is to use Keycloak which is an open source software to permit access management and add authentication to secure applications [29]. Future implementation of Keycloak requires that the overall system model to change accordingly. Thus, only authenticated users will be able to access the system and utilize its operations. As represented in Figure6.1, the new component added to the system ( e in Figure 6.1) will be responsible for the user-authentication factor.

Figure 6.1: Overall system model with Keycloak implementation.

6.4 Conclusion

The objective of the project was to deliver a web-based solution to modernize the creation and storage of documentation created for different type of vehicles. The desired product was a front-end application that has a responsive design and reliable performance. In the end, the development team managed to meet all of the requirements set by the company and product owner, this was clearly stated at the last meeting with the company and the product owner, where the project’s source-code was delivered and presented. As it was mentioned in the introduction, the primary audience of Assetfront Repair is Assetfront employees, who do not necessarily have an IT back-ground. Therefore, the application was built to be practical for users with no technical backback-ground.

Consequently, the team managed to develop an user-friendly application, according to user test results (see AppendixD).

Conclusively, we believe that this project has been a great learning opportunity. As it helped us to acquire experience in multiple fields like: web application development, programming, design, communication, and software development. Although we faced obstacles throughout the project, we managed to overcome them. We believe this is an important skill to bring into our professional lives.



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Appendix A

In document Assetfront Repair (sider 60-66)