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8. Conclusion and Future Work 121

8.3. Future Work

8.3. Future Work

Regardless of the research topic, it is advantageous to make improvements to existing work. In recent years, several studies have focused on hate speech detection, yet it is still challenging to achieve satisfactory results. There is also a lack of research related to anomaly detection, and thus more research should be conducted in both research fields. This section provides suggestions for how the research conducted in this thesis can be further extended and improved. In addition to these concrete suggestions, ideas on potential research that may be beneficial for the field of hate speech detection in general, are presented.

Optimise hyperparameters and handle out-of-vocabulary words

As already stated in Section 7.2, it can be expected an increased performance by discovering the system’s optimal configurations. For instance, grid search can be applied for hyperparameter optimisation. Furthermore, the system contains several parameters that should be tested, including η, weight decayλ, learning rate schedule, batch size and optimiser. There are also many design-related choices have not been tested, including the representation dimension of the output space, filter sizes and the number of filters. It is also possible to change the number of layers in the model, add batch normalisation and leaky ReLu. K-fold cross-validation and early stopping should also be included.

Moreover, proper handling of out of vocabulary words should be explored, for instance, by creating a language model built to produce embeddings for OOV words depending on their context.

Change learning model

The system developed in this thesis includes the use of a convolutional neural network (CNN). Other potential networks have not been tested, and thus for future research, the method should be tested with the use of another network or learning model. Models to experiment with can, for instance, be a HybridCNN that uses both words and characters to classify, as done by Gambäck and Sikdar (2017) and Park and Fung (2017), a combination of CNN and GRU (Z. Zhang et al., 2018) or an RNN (Founta et al., 2019; Mehdad and Tetreault, 2016; Pitsilis et al., 2018). Additionally, the use of attention, which was described in Section 2.4.5, is considered state of the art within NLP tasks. Possibly, the model can achieve both increased performance and interpretability by utilising this technique. Furthermore, it would be advantageous to add support for autoencoder pre-training of network weights as conducted by Ruff et al. (2020). Using pre-training is not explored as a part of this implementation, but might improve performance and should thus be tested.

8. Conclusion and Future Work

Use common hate speech datasets

Schmidt and Wiegand (2017) stated that there does not exist comparative studies which would allow making a judgement on the most effective learning method. Because of the lack of a benchmark dataset, a lot of the existing studies use a variety of different annotations and data, making it harder to compare methods and results. However, there exist several studies that compare the performance of different methods, and it would be beneficial to compare the results obtained when using anomaly detection to previous solutions. To be able to compare the results, the method should be tested on one of the hate speech datasets commonly used in other related research. This can for instance be the datasets by Waseem and Hovy (2016), Davidson et al. (2017) or Founta et al. (2018).

Experiment with the detection of novelties

As previously mentioned, Gröndahl et al. (2018) compared five state-of-the-art hate speech models and found that all of the models had poor performance when they were trained on one dataset and tested against another. In other words, this means that the models are bad at handling hateful content that does not look similar to previously seen data (novelties). The use of anomaly detection techniques was considered a potential solution to this problem since they do not assume similarities between the hateful statements.

Some of the conducted experiments described in Chapter 6 aims at discovering the methods ability to handle novelties by only adding hateful comments from a particular hateful class. However, due to the overlap between the anomalous classes, and that only one class was tested without overlap, more research would have to be conducted to determine if the system does possess this ability. A possible experiment could use the dataset from Waseem and Hovy (2016) that separates between racism, sexism and neither or the dataset from Chatzakou et al. (2017) that distinguishes between bully, aggressive and normal. Then one of the hateful classes could be added as labelled anomalies, and the model could be tested to determine its performance at handling anomalies from the other hateful category. Furthermore, the method should also be tested on another dataset than what it was trained on to compare the relative performance.

Utilising a language model

The work of this thesis explores the use of both GloVe (Pennington et al., 2014) and fastText (Mikolov et al., 2017) pre-trained word embeddings. Using these vectors makes it possible to handle synonymy to some degree because they capture semantic similarities.

Nevertheless, they do not handle polysemy because a word’s pre-trained vector is always the same regardless of the context where it occurs. As described, it would, therefore, be preferable instead to use a language model such as BERT or ElMo, because they can capture the context of a word. There is a possibility that utilising a language model can improve the performance of this hate speech system, and it should thus be tested. BERT provides a multilingual model that includes support for the Norwegian language, so using BERT can be tested for both datasets.

8.3. Future Work

Including the context of comments

Investigating the effects of including the context of the comments to improve the detection rate, should be explored. As discussed, it can be challenging to decide whether something is hateful or not, based only on a short text, especially since a considerable number of comments are replied to other comments. For example, the comment "De omringer oss!"

is not necessarily offensive, but in the context of the comment "Jeg har en mørkhudet nabo" it is clearly offensive. Information about the news article that is being discussed can also be valuable.

Another advantage by including information about context is to make it easier to distinguish offensive and hateful utterances. Hateful utterances are in some countries considered illegal, while offensive comments are often just hurtful but still legal. Thus, it is a valuable contribution to be able to distinguish the two categories correctly.

Improve the created Norwegian dataset

Challenges related to the annotation of datasets have been discussed in several sections, including Section 2.1, 3.1 and 4.2. Due to the lack of resources, the majority of all comments were only annotated by one annotator. This causes the possibilities of bias. It would thus be preferable to employ external annotators, where at least two annotators are annotating the same chunk of data. Inter-annotator agreement metrics could then be calculated, and the majority vote could be used to decide the final label of each comment.

This will most likely improve the dataset quality significantly. Besides, the dataset should be further extended because as found during the experiments, the method performs better on a larger dataset. Furthermore, for the method to be more capable of creating a sufficient representation of normality, the dataset should contain more comments related to several topics and thus be more generalised. Hence, a more substantial amount of data will most likely improve the system’s performance on the Norwegian dataset.

Preprocessing of the Norwegian language

As already stated, languages differ in how challenging they are to preprocess. The English language is known as relatively easy to preprocess, but when studying a language with richer morphology, more flexible word order and distinctive linguistic characteristics, more preprocessing is needed. There have only been a small amount of research within NLP that uses the Norwegian language, which means that there are many challenges that have not been addressed. For example, compound words are a common part of Norwegian vocabulary, which can be particularly challenging when handling user-generated data because there is no guarantee that commentators write grammatically correct. Another challenge is that there are two commonly used languages in Norway: Bokmål and Nynorsk.

The same issue can also be found when commentators write in dialect. In order to achieve better performance when hate speech detection is using in Norwegian, more research would have to be conducted on how to handle these challenges.

8. Conclusion and Future Work

A specific preprocessing step that would be advantageous to improve is the pre-trained word embeddings for the Norwegian language. In order to obtain state-of-the-art results for hate speech detection in Norwegian, it is crucial to have access to embeddings trained on a larger dataset, containing more words. Currently, the word embeddings provided by fastText includes a vocabulary that is significantly smaller than for the English language. Additionally, the embeddings are specific for either Norwegian Bokmål or Nynorsk. When dealing with user-generated content, where both language variations are used, it is necessary to have embeddings that have been trained on both. In this way, it would be possible to determine that, for instance, the words "kjærlighet" and "kjærleik"

are of the same meaning, which is not possible with the current solution because the words are interpreted as unrelated words.

Determining what part of a statement is hateful

A goal within the research field is to be able to create a system that can automatically determine if a comment is hateful. Such a system can, for instance, be used to guide users when writing comments online, by providing "pop-up" messages if a user violates the terms and guidelines. In this case, it would be advantageous for the system to supply information about which part of the statement is considered hateful. When the user has written a comment and wishes to post, the user gets a notification if the underlying hate speech detection system thinks that the user is about to post a comment with degrading content. To enhance the system’s usability, it should instruct the user on which part of the comment that might appear stigmatising or derogatory. This is particularly useful if the user writes long comments containing several sentences. For this approach to be possible, the hate speech detection system must consider each sentence individually. This is not a necessity, but it would be favourable if the goal is to guide the users.


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