• No results found

5,5.3 Discussion on network and company value increase

6.5 Future research questions:

in general, there are same issued raised in this thesis that should be addressed by qualitative research:

Firstly, the fourth factor affecting financial growth is motivation, and this thesis has not been aiming at explaining it. It would be interesting to see whether there are any differences between Sami and non-Sami owners.

This thesis could not reveal any significant correiations between company value increase and number of owners and external Chairman of Baard respectively. But these twa factors are far from explaining the entire network of a company, 50 further research with regards to ethnic differences on network is needed.

With regards to market aim, quaHtative research must be done to reveal whether the companies in the selection area in general are not wiiiing or able to extend their market view and what the factors that limit them in doing 50 are.

And there are two questions that eventuaily could be approached from the economics' domain:

Is a modellike the Maori Potential Fund of New Zealand or fndigenous Business Austrafia's Jo/nt Venture Program suitable for balancing out equity needs Sami entrepreneurs are facing to grow?

What will the effects of increased financial options through a huge fund be for Sami entrepreneurs?

Are there other possible ways of financing nascent Sami entrepreneurs than a huge fund?


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