• No results found

4. Discussion

4.4 Future perspectives

This intervention with two hot dishes per day gave a higher intake of lean-seafood per week, compared with the recommended amount. In addition, the intervention was different from the common dietary pattern and food culture in Norway, which consists of only one hot meal per day. Further studies could be carried out with only one hot dinner serving per day, resulting in a lower weekly intake closer to the average intake of lean-seafood in Norway. To test if also lower intake for a longer period of time would give similar results.

In addition to performing the study in a strict-controlled intervention, another trial could be conducted in a more realistic setting. A free-living intervention would test the real-world setting. The general population might consider free-living studies more achievable, due to less demanding condition for the subjects. To retain sufficient statistical power, the study sample should be increased to be able to detect differences between the dietary intervention groups.

In this intervention a diet high in lean-seafood resulted in beneficial outcomes in healthy subjects. It could also be of interest to evaluate the therapeutic potential of lean-seafood. Further studies could be carried out with insulin resistant or diabetic type 2 subjects.


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