• No results found

Paper I, Table 1:

The authors found errors in Table 1 after publication of the original article (Paper I).

The correct values for medical history of coronary artery disease (CAD) at baseline were 110 (40%) of all patients, 55 (36.2%) of the patients were categorized as having normoglycaemia, 41 (45.6%) of the patients were categorized as having intermediate hyperglycaemia, and 14 (42.4%) of the patients were categorized as having DM. All presented numbers and calculations in Table 1 have been checked and no other errors were found. The presented errors did not affect the results, scientific content or conclusions. The published Erratum containing the corrected Table 1 is attached to this thesis.

Paper II, Fig. 1: Correction to the figure legend for Fig. 1: The Kaplan Meyer curves picture overall survival in patients grouped according to HbA1c results (a) and OGTT results (b), and not diabetes-related related survival.

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