• No results found

The analysis of this study demonstrates that there are three main findings to the question of how gender equality is represented and addressed in the context of Sámi politics. Firstly, gender equality and general gender issues have acquired a more central position in Sámi politics after 2005. The status of this political field is raised, and gender equality is generally viewed as an important field in Sámi politics. This importance is, by both documents and informants, exemplified through the justice argument, interest argument and the consequence


argument. The documents underline equality through the justice argument, whilst the interviews represent an emphasis on the consequence argument. Furthermore, neither the documents nor the informants express that gender equality has been accomplished, but rather that it is a process that will change and adapt to time and space continuously.

There is, however, disagreement between the Sámi Parliament and Sámi NissonForum about how much political attention this issue ought to receive, where the latter expresses that the focus and level of attention of today is not satisfying. Moreover, the analysis shows that for Sámi NissonForum and many of the informants, the content of politics concerning gender equality is not fulfilling, and a greater integration of competence, knowledge and gender mainstreaming is suggested.

The second main finding is that the debate on equality in Sámi politics has expanded. Even though gender equality is still the main focus, two other thematic areas have gained ground in the debate. These are domestic and sexual violence as well as different sexual orientations.

The expansion of equality politics, however, does not signify that these two themes are considered as important as gender equality. Concerning domestic and sexual violence, this issue is represented as an important issue nationally as well as in Sámi politics. The communication between the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Justice and Public Safety and the Sámi Parliament about this issue, illustrates that it is deemed as a central political field. The issue of different sexual orientations, however, is less focused upon, and is more or less of a symbolic value in the equality debate.

Thirdly, gender equality as a concept has been developed and contextualized within a Sámi political framework. The concepts self-determination, justice and equity, which are central and principle concept in the ethnopolitical rights discourse, are attempted transferred and utilized in the discourse on gender equality. Self-determination in a gender perspective is exemplified through the right to determine over one‟s own body, sexuality, learning one‟s own language, history and culture. The lack of self-determination on these aspects is related to mental and physical health issues. While the concept self-determination has been contextualized to a specific approach on Sámi gender equality, the concepts of justice and equity still have not undergone such a transfer as successfully as self-determination, and these concepts are still utilized in a universal manner rather than in a specific Sámi or indigenous mode.


In brief, gender equality in a Sámi political context is represented as a political field in continuous development, where this political field is attempted contextualized to a Sámi political framework. Also, the expansion of the political field of equality introduces new issues to be addressed, and the topic domestic and sexual violence is partly related to the concept of self-determination. Nevertheless, gender and gender equality are still the main focus areas of the internal equality debate in Sámi politics. All in all, increasing knowledge in this field must be given continuous effort, and as Sámi NissonForum stated in 2013, distinguishing between numbers of representatives and having knowledge about gender issues is of great importance. Similar parallels can be drawn in direction of LGBT issues, which is a political field with more symbolic than real value. In this sense, the statement by Sámi NissonForum to the Sámi Parliament in 2006 is still relevant: “Now the work begins”

(Sametinget, 2006, p. 3).



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Appendix A: Quotations from Documents