• No results found

Clinical Results

7.2 Conclusive remarks

Psychiatric and functionally defined disorders are in a disadvantageous position by relying on subjective reports and questionnaires rather than physiological measures.

Developing objective biomarkers for disorders like IBS are therefore of high priority for

7.2 Conclusive remarks 83 aiding diagnosis, predict prognosis, subtypes or treatment response [Waller et al.,2017].

Machine learning can further work as a possible window into disease pathophysiology, particularly in conjunction with simultaneous measurements of gut microbiome or other aberrations implemented in IBS [Labus et al., 2019].

In conclusion, this thesis has explored network theory as a tool in the functional neuroimaging of IBS, with particular focus on network-based biomarkers in a machine learning framework. Furthermore, some methodological aspects of graph metric es-timation from rs-fMRI have been investigated in detail, agreeing largely with other studies as well as reporting novel results. Evidence was provided for the possibility of discriminating patients from controls, despite in the form of anti-learning. Although the anti-learning paradox was not solved, it confirms that an equal but opposite per-formance score is in principle attainable [Kowalczyk and Chapelle, 2005; Roadknight et al., 2012], strongly encouraging further work on the matter.


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