• No results found

Conclusions and recommendations – how to develop a collaborative community

The NPRAER are experiencing challenges regarding organizational culture. The culture must be developed because of the huge transitions concerning organizational structure, and the stress felt because of the fast changing surroundings in general and the continuously modernization of government in particular. Evaluations show challenges concerning development of “corporate” culture after the merge of several subcultures and change of responsibilities between the Directorate and the lower levels.

Today there is a great lack of technologists in Norway, so the NPRAER have to compete hard in order to recruit personnel. This is another reason why it is important to develop a collaborative innovative community which attracts well skilled and highly motivated people.

I have in the discussion of the hypothesis showed that there is a gap between today’s culture and the culture we need and wish to develop in order to function as a learning governmental organization. But I believe it is possible to develop a collaborative community with high trust and empowered employees. The evaluations of the organization show that the employees are experiencing positive qualities regarding the work situation. People are happy because of the work environment; they have interesting and challenging tasks, availability of resources and technology, a large network of well skilled colleagues, culture for cooperation and sharing and developing of competence and good social networks. But they are worried because of lack of communication throughout the organization, leadership, turnover management and high focus on cost-effectiveness.

The organization has adopted some measures regarding bureaucracy, decentralizing of leader-ship and flexible organizations which supports the ideas of collaborative communities and learning organization.

In February 2006 the Executive Meeting of the NPRA was discussing a report conducted of the Internal Auditing Secretariat regarding work connected to organization culture in NPRA.

They were commenting that organizational culture and process-systems for management are

connected, and proposed that the implementation of the management-system will be the most important programme for further development of organizational culture, particularly in order to ensure a comparable culture throughout the country. They will focus on how to communicate orders and how to show responsibility. Work regarding organizational culture is an important mission for leaders according to the executives.

I believe the work on management-system is important for the organizational culture. For instance, the work on process mapping that defines roles and responsibilities in horizontal flows which are already started. Process-mapping will be an important measure in order to handle the mismatch between responsibility and authority which explains some of the frustrations people from the Resource Unit are experiencing in NPRAER.

But our organization has a bad tradition. We are not clever enough to use all the management-systems and routines we are implementing. To often people invent their own management-systems. It is therefore extremely important that the managers show responsibility and take action if the organization does not use the management-systems. Response to unfavourable performance is an important way to influence people’s mental models.

I do not believe that implementation of management-systems and better guidelines for leaders will be enough in the further work on organizational culture. It is important to spend time on activities in order to build shared vision and to practice on team building skills. There will also be need for activities in order to reduce insecurity. The most important activities in order to reduce insecurity are probably to ensure that all employees are members of strong social and professional networks. It is important that everybody have someone with whom they can discuss both social and professional matters. Relations are important for people who experience big changes.

It is interesting to discover that the younger employees do not possess the same fears or feeling of insecurity as the older people. In further development of the organization it is important to emphasize the future concerning implementation of new work methods, and to employ other measures to comfort the older generations who perhaps would prefer to do things like they have always done. Perhaps the change of generations, if conducted in a clever way, may be a catalyst for change of culture. The NPRA are just about to implement two important programs for young employees; an introduction program (Ung- prosjektet)

which focuses on the basic management-systems and skills for teamwork etc, and a recruitment- and trainee program. These projects might be very valuable in order to teach the new employees desirable behavior, skills for teamwork, values and shared assumptions as soon as possible.

There has been conducted several pilot-projects on how to enhance teamwork in NPRA. It is important that people start using the good examples which exist inside the organization. There is great potential for better learning from activities conducted by colleagues. The employees should be motivated to start using existing knowledge-databases, both for sharing and gaining information and knowledge. The employees needs better skills in order to become professional specialists and coaching and empowerment will become more important in order to handle the new structures.

The studies on organizational climate show that we are a rather innovative organization.

“Voluntary behavior” may be evaluated both positive and negative. In the NPRA it has mostly been used as a negative term concerning employees opposing orders or rules, employees spending time and resources on activities which are not official prioritized, employees fighting decisions etc. However, in the future one may take into consideration that inquiring behavior may be an important contribution or qualification for organizational learning.

We have to focus more on the individuals and the community. It is important to develop a community based on trust. I believe we have to discuss what trust is, and how to develop the individuals and the organizations’ confidence to be able to gain and show trust. Our organization is responsible for a wide range of tasks, - the different tasks needs different approach and knowledge. It is a challenge to define the need for a common corporate culture for the whole entity, - and at the same moment accept the need for adjusted culture for the different fields in the organization.

In a period when people may feel ambiguity because of the changes, the role of the scapegoats is important. That is an important role for the leader, - and the low score managers get regarding trust in the personnel satisfaction surveys may be explained by the need for a scapegoat in a difficult period. The management and the employees have shown high motivation regarding the changes. In future changes it will be important to invest more in assignments regarding organizational culture.

Change processes takes lots of energy and time. In the future we should spend more energy and time on defining important milestones for the change programs. Perhaps one measure should be to inform the employees to stay calm, because they will not experience all the desired changes during the first part of the change period. Things Take Time.

A good start in order to develop a collaborative community based on trust will be to start using the guidelines for desirable performance which NPRAER stated in April 2005:

• I share my competence with others and search for and make use of new knowledge

• I contribute to decision making and work for implementation of the decisions

• We talk to each other, not about each other. I give honest and constructive feedback and receive feedback in the same manners.

• I show that I am able to understand our customer’s needs and I am looking for constructive solutions.

• I am not afraid to ask for help and to give help – in time.

• I contribute to arrive at and celebrate milestones.

When all the employees know and use these guidelines for performance we can celebrate a huge milestone!

Figure 5 Celebrating the final milestone for the Bridge over Millau

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Appendix 1