• No results found

5.1. Summary and conclusions

The main research question of this thesis was “What have been the social and environmental consequences of the changes in global value chains and how have they shifted in the past decades?”. Due to the broad aspect of this question, I then focus on the contribution of this thesis to the three sub-questions presented in section 3.1, namely: the quantification of labour, energy and greenhouse gases in global value chains, the social impacts of this redistribution of labour, and the trade-offs between socioeconomic impacts and environmental pressures in the global economy. This section summarizes main findings and their contribution to these questions.

First, I confirm and quantify the relocation of labour in global value chains, linking production stages to consumption of final goods and services. The relocation of labour-intensive manufacturing stages had a substantial effect on the redistribution and intensity of labour, energy and environmental pressures embodied in consumption and in traded products. This is due to not only the types of goods and services traded, but also how efficiently these goods and services are being produced. While lower energy efficiency and high carbon content of energy systems have increased the volume of greenhouse gases embodied in trade and in the consumption of high-income countries, the lower labour productivity resulted in higher amount of people employed, many of them in developing economies.

This redistribution of labour has positive and negative socioeconomic impacts. First, the generation of employment and, consequently, of income, contributes to provide positive impacts in developing economies. Whilst we do not quantify the effect of job losses due to this outsourcing, our analysis has shown that within Europe, with few exceptions, the foreign increased labour has come in addition, and not in substitution, to domestic employment. The increased exports of developing economies also affected the overall composition of labour in global value chains. On average, developed regions tend to concentrate more high-skilled and high-income workers, with lower degree of vulnerability and less workers in undesirable labour conditions, such as in forced labour and child labour. Workers in low-skilled occupations and in vulnerable employment are more likely to suffer the effects of economic shocks. Therefore, identifying hotspots of positive and negative impacts in global value chains is essential to work multilaterally towards improving labour standards and decent work, as boycotting suppliers


with undesirable labour conditions might create even higher social impacts to poor households172,173.

Finally, it is important to note the trade-off between socioeconomic benefits and environmental pressures in globalized production chains. Changes in technology deployment and policies generate impacts that go beyond their national borders. On one hand, increased industrialization and participation in exports generate employment and income in developing countries, generating positive spillovers in the economy. These economic gains can be important enablers to achieve social development goals. However, as many developing economies present a lower efficiency in the use of resources such as energy and materials, and are further away from the technology frontier than the outsourcers174, environmental pressures ultimately increase. It is important, then, to identify potentials for productivity improvements and technology diffusion92,93 in order to reduce environmental pressures in global value chains without impacting workers and income in developing economies.

5.2. Outlook and future work

The challenge of reducing environmental impacts below planetary boundaries while improving the livelihood of the human population is complex. Any policy must take into account the interconnected nature of the global economy and the many trade-offs between the social benefits and negative impacts of the current production system. It is paramount that the negative economic impacts of technology changes and economic restructuring do not fall onto the most vulnerable workers in GVCs. In order to achieve this, we must understand how labour and environmental impacts are interconnected in GVCs.

However, further analysis is required to study the trade-offs in different countries and sectors over time, including comparative analyses between jobs and income losses and gains, in order to improve projections of the potential socioeconomic and environmental effects of policies into the future. For that, it is also vital to improve data reliability for multi-regional input-output databases and for the extended environmental and labour accounts. Furthermore, it is paramount to include a range of methodologies – beyond footprint analyses –in global value chains studies. Assessing the contribution of different actors and their power to provide changes to the economic system will be essential to the study of the benefits and pervasive effects of changes in the global economy.


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