• No results found

6.1 Conclusion

A version of the Nordic synchronous system was represented by the Nordic 44 bus sys-tem in PSSE. This model was ran in the real time online simulator ePHASORSIM and attempts were made at predicting the frequency drop following large generator outages, based on the loss of their delivered active power. The turbine speed deviation of 48 gener-ators were recorded in the simulations and aggregated into a center of inertia frequency.

Two transfer function prediction models based on the HYGOV turbine governor were used to aggregate the system response into two transfer function models. These transfer functions had their variables tuned based on 4 simulated cases such that the initial fre-quency drop of the system fit with their respective step responses. Loss of active power was used as step input. Then 4 new test cases were ran, and their respective time re-sponses of system frequency were attempted predicted.

The frequency drop was predicted with an mean absolute error of 40 mHz and a mean absolute time deviation of 0.2 s. The accuracy of the frequency drop estimation was highly varying and dependent on the inertia estimation from the tuning process. It is believed that the accuracy of predictions would improve given an inertia estimation process based on the initial rate of change of frequency of the case being predicted. Time deviation was satisfactory, and are believed to be within reasonable limits of what transmission system operators would expect.

6.2 Further work

A suggestion of further work is to test the system for different cases of effective inertia.

Much work has been made on evaluating the development of the system inertia of the Nordic synchronous system [2] [31] [7]. Other operational situations could be considered for example based on the forecasts for 2025.



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NTNU Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet Fakultet for informasjonsteknologi og elektroteknikk Institutt for elkraftteknikk

Master oppgave

Method for prediction of frequency