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Integrated Coastal Management is an approach for the management of the Coastal Zone, aiming to achieve sustainable development. It demands the application of the other

principles of the Earth Summit. It calls for consideration of the interrelations existing in the environment, the effects of that sectoral activities over the hole environmental system and other activities, and finally for the participation of the regulation entities and sectors that could be affected by the management. This are some of the main elements of ICM.

Integrated Management of the Coastal Zone, as an approach, is developed in contra-position of the traditional sectoral approach. In an effort to overcome the limitations that derives from ignoring the interrelations occurring in the coastal environment and as a necessary approach to achieve sustainable development. The adoption of UNCLOS, though establishing a sectoral regime, does not impede the adoption of ICM regimes as a part of the coastal states obligation to protect the marine environment.

International law, the Earth Summit document specifically, provide enough description over the content of the ICM that the lack of a proper definition does not affect the development and adoption of integrated management regulation for coastal zones. Its important to remark that the states are allowed to develop their own principles that adapt to their specific needs and conditions allowing that the adoption of such regimes expands.

Ecuador participated in the Earth Summit and is party of the CBD among other environmental conventions. Hence that the adoption of a Integrated Management framework for the Archipelago of Galapagos has been a constant obligation for the Government. The latest Special Law for Galapagos, and the Management plan have successfully implemented and scheme that aims at sustainable development with a high level of participation at all levels. Also allowing the integration at the regulatory level.

The framework for the Management of Galapagos have all the elements to be considered

as Integrated. It is based on the interrelations existing in the environment. Calls for participation of the the stake-holders allowing an integration at both the vertical and the horizontal level though it can be argued that the level of influence varies. Never the less a high level of participation is achieved. The management framework makes use of science though the weight that it may have on the adopted final decision may vary. Still it can be say that a precautionary approach is in place. Moreover the framework aims to ensure that socio-economic development of the human settlements goes in hand with the preservation and protection of the environment. Sustainable development is the goal of the framework.

With this said, seems that the influence of the international law relating to ICM is quite strong. More as Ecuador has been able to adapt the framework to its local reality, needs and expectations. There is nothing to suggest that Ecuador becoming party of UNCLOS should relax its legal framework in what refers to navigational and fishing rights, as the environmental measures are perfectly in line with the mandates and obligations setted in part XII of the Law of the Sea Convention.

Word count: 12577


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