• No results found

The present study demonstrates that 4 x 4 HIIT performed at 90-95 % HRmax is an effective way to improve VO2max, while Tabata is an ineffective way to improve VO2max in a sample of

moderately trained females. C was significantly improved in both groups. LT as %VO2max was unaltered following Tabata but was significantly worsened after HIIT. Improvements in

anaerobic capacity was significantly improved following Tabata, no changes occurred after HIIT.

Similar improvements were observed in 3000-meter performance. While 300-meter performance improvements were superior in Tabata in comparison to HIIT.

42 This is the first Tabata study incorporating moderately trained females, the absence of

improvements in VO2max disagree with previous intervention conducted. Tabata therefore need further investigation in moderately to trained males and females.



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