• No results found

As the basis for this thesis I wanted to answer the following research question:

“Will the introduction of a resource rent tax distort the optimal production cycles for the companies within the Norwegian salmon aquaculture industry and what is the magnitude

of the welfare loss?”

In order to answer the research question, I created a bioeconomic model based on existing bioeconomic theory and extended the model by first introducing corporate income tax before I introduced the two different tax proposals. By doing this I was able to estimate the change in optimal rotation time before and after the tax proposals was introduced.

My research suggests that the optimal rotation time will change if the majority proposal presented by the tax commission is introduced. Although, the change is very small and in reality, pretty insignificant. If they instead choose to introduce the production tax suggested by the Ministry of Finance, the optimal rotation time will also change. In both cases the rotation time lengthens which indicates that the introduction of the tax is decreasing the marginal value of continuing a rotation. I can therefore conclude that the taxes will act as distortionary taxes. Although, the size of the welfare loss, measured by the tax distortions, was relatively small. 0,35 NOK for the profit-based resource rent tax and 146,75 NOK for the production tax. This conclusion is based on the definition from Amacher et.al (2009) who argues that a tax is neutral if it does not change the rotation time and is distortionary if it does.

But as the analysis shows, when taking the MAB constraints into consideration the optimal rotation time will not change with the introduction of the two tax proposals because the companies are forced to harvest their biomass when it has reached a certain size. The MAB constraints ensure that the companies are forced to harvest after 18,08 months in production area 1-9 and after 20,96 months in production area 10-13. As a result of the optimal rotation time not changing, I can conclude that the taxes act as neutral if the MAB constraints are included in the calculations. In those cases, the introduction of the taxes will not change the economic behaviour of the companies.


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