• No results found

5. Conclusion and recommendation

Following Armenakis and Bedeian´s four dimensions through the theory and analysis has provided a deep understanding of change management´s importance throughout the whole digital transformation journey. Based on the findings from the theory and the new insights gained through qualitative interviews, the authors have created a continuous model that presents the most crucial factors to consider in digital transformation. This is due to notions made by both researchers and participants on viewing digital transformation as a continuous process that never ends. The model includes the four phases: prepare for change, craft a flexible plan for change, implement and analyze and review.

Figure 9: Change management in digital transformation journey

The statement by Weick & Quinn; “Change never starts, because it never stops”, fits the digital transformation journey and the outcome of the research.

Participants mentioned no use of traditional change management models, however the attributes used to manage change discovered in the empirical data show

similarities to some of the points in each model. Overall, most participants weighed the key points mentioned in the model above when having success in

digital transformation journey. Based on the research conducted in the thesis, the model can be used as a recommended tool in change management for digital transformation.

The research has provided knowledge that every organization needs a tailored strategy and that personalized experience and individual communication is vital for employees. Thus, one approach to all is not applicable.

The importance of focusing on a human perspective, as opposed to only new technology, has been repeated both in the theoretical and qualitative interviews.

Thus, it is the most significant aspect in change management. Not getting employees on board in digital transformation, will end in adoption failure and resistance towards change. Opposite to the traditional change management models, the participants have realized the importance of human-element and employees´ psychological needs in the use of change management. The communication and approaches they use are built upon these assumptions and have received better results. The resistance to change has decreased, and readiness to change has increased. In result, the key points in the model above present actions involving the human-element to a high extent.

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