• No results found


The survey data from Ahus consisted of scores indicating participants' satisfaction and self-assessed benefit. It was collected through online questionnaires, based on a five-level Likert scale. Together with the interviews these data provided evidence for participants being all over satisfied with the program. It became evident during the interviews that several respondents struggled to render on the concrete usefulness of the program, indicating a need to concretize the learning to increase chances of successful implementation. To successfully measure the outcome of the program, it is advised to introduce assessment tools on an organizational level. The participants perceived themselves as competent in their roles, but the hybrid leaders elaborated on conflicts between the role of a leader/manager and a clinician. Old traditions seem to remain within some physicians' attitudes, hindering optimal implementation of new reforms. Mintzberg (1989) gives several suggestions to how the hospital organization, as a professional organization, is distinctive from other organizations.

Empirical data support his theories and a show that approaches to implement measures often fail, as the justifications are inconsistent with the values of the mid-level leaders.

Communication strategies should thus be better adapted to the receiver array. The mid-level leaders seldom have a say in implementing new strategies but usually end up with big responsibility in regards to the actual implementation. Based on wishes from the leaders themselves, it should thus be considered to involve them more in the process.

Participants preferred the basis groups to the plenary lectures. Most of them were happy with the specific focus on the personal leadership. However, a little group perceived this approach as misplaced in regards of the hospitals current actual issues. The empirical data supported the programs' approach, but there were however also indications on other approaches being equally useful. The possibility of merging in more approaches should thus be considered.

Together with continuous and sufficient evaluation, this is believed to increase program success measured in both organizational and individual outcome. Furthermore, the interviews indicated that the mid-level leaders experience excessive time-pressure. Some also perceived the leader/manager role as a place of solitude. A need for further support was identified, both in regards of relieving the leaders for selected work tasks and facilitating for peer-support networks.


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I: Participant information and consent form