• No results found

Conclusion and implications

This study included forty healthy participants in an experimental cross-over study which used a conditioned pain modulation method (CPM). Among the participants pain was reported to be reduced with both painful and non-painful conditioning stimulation. However, there was not found any CPM effect. We did neither identify any difference between men and women in calibration of pain threshold nor in the pain threshold in electric- or heat pain.

Based on the identical information given in both the painful and the non painful session an attentional factor is considered to play an important role. This was not included in the research questions but was brought up as an explanation based on the observed results in the pain experiment.

5.1 Implications

First, according to the article was attention of importance for our results. Future studies related to CPM and pain in a public health perspective should therefore consider including psychological variables. This is based on the belief that psychological traits are considered to play an important role in the complexity of pain conditions and disorders (Tracey 2008). In addition, long lasting pain conditions cause strong emotions such as anxiety, hopelessness and depression and are often related to a negative circle which may contribute to changes in relation to surrounding environment and the individual’s coping and behavior in the daily life (Ursin and Eriksen 2007).

Second, as mentioned in the paragraph Methodological considerations, it could be considered whether a future inclusion criterion should be that participants have to be able to distinguish between high and low intensities in beforehand of an experiment.

Third, as mentioned in Gender differences in CPM studies blood tests should be included in future studies of pain. Women’s menstrual cycles need to be ensured by blood tests, which also can give other relevant information on sex hormones.

Fourth, in future studies it could be of importance to consider how gender differences are studied. It is worth to question whether it is possible or even interesting to compare men and women when they at the basic level are different. This is relevant for epidemiological studies, which usually only include gender as a control variable. Hence, it can be argued that it is an advantage to separate gender in research related to pain.



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Inhibition of electrically induced Tibialis anterior pain is inhibited by painful and non painful conditioning


Inhibition of electrically induced Tibialis anterior pain is inhibited by