• No results found

The overall aim of my PhD was to understand how immune activation influences brain physiology in pigs and how these physiological changes can drive changes in social behaviour. The working hypothesis was that episodes of acute proinflammatory signalling in pigs can, subsequent to acute sickness, elicit longer term negative social behaviour such as tail and ear biting. The results of Paper Ӏ showed that a single low dose of LPS had longer-term effects on the social behaviour of pigs after recovery from acute sickness. Social network analysis revealed behavioural changes both at individual and group level in response to immune activation (Paper ӀӀӀ). No true damage was observed on the pigs maybe due to the optimal housing conditions (as discussed in 4.5.). It was not possible to confirm that the behavioural changes were elicited by proinflammatory cytokines, but monoamines which are supposed to play an important role in the regulation of mood and behaviour were downregulated in several brain regions in the pigs that received LPS (Paper Ӏ). Furthermore, central tryptophan and kynurenine concentrations were altered in response to LPS and their downstream metabolites are hypothesised to have either neuroprotective or neurotoxic effects (dependent on the further metabolic pathway) in the central nervous system (Paper Ӏ). The findings of Paper ӀӀ added to our knowledge the time course of adenosine deaminase activity in response to LPS, suggesting that ADA is a promising inflammatory biomarker in pigs. The NSAID ketoprofen can be used to attenuate the effects of a controlled immune activation on both the HPA-axis and the acute phase response and alleviates behavioural signs of sickness (Paper Ӏ+ӀӀ).

5 Future perspectives

RNA sequencing

To further disentangle the effects of a controlled immune activation on brain physiology and behaviour, it would be relevant to study the gene expression in the sampled brain regions of different factors of interest, such as the enzyme IDO or markers of microglia activation (such as IBA-1). A differential gene expression analysis can detect up- or downregulated genes in response to the LPS treatment, which would tell us more about the pathways involved in behavioural alterations.

Field study

We have pilot data indicating that the immune status of the pig is influenced by the housing environment. It would be interesting to test the effect of housing, (e.g. closed barn vs barn with access to outdoor area vs fully outdoor system) on the innate immune system, brain physiology and behaviour of the pigs. This set up could also be used to validate ADA in a larger sample size under field conditions. It would be further interesting to apply SNA to behavioural data of pens with either healthy pigs or sick pigs in order to compare their social structure.

Behavioural testing

In my PhD, I wanted to investigate the psychological aftereffects following acute sickness and their potential effect on social interactions.

As there is no validated test to evaluate depressive-like behaviour in pigs, it would be highly relevant to test if an acute immune activation alters their affective states. This could be evaluated in a cognitive bias test (e.g.

spatial judgment task, Düpjan et al., 2017) in which pigs are trained to associate one cue with a positive outcome and a second cue with a

negative outcome (cues are spatial, visual, auditory, olfactory). During the test, the pig is then confronted with a novel and ambiguous cue and the response interpreted as either positively or negatively biased.


In my PhD, I studied the bidirectional communication between the innate immune system and the central nervous system in relation to behaviour.

The gut-brain-axis is another bidirectional communication system that involves the HPA-axis, the innate immune system (cytokines), tryptophan metabolism and neurotransmitters (serotonin). Each individual has a different composition of microbiota in its gastrointestinal tract which is influenced by diet, genetics and other factors. In experiments with germ free mice it has been shown that microbiota is essential for the development of normal social behaviour (Desbonnet et al., 2014). In laying hens, high feather pecking lines have a different gut microbiota compared to low feather pecking lines (Meyer et al., 2013). The hypothesis whether pigs that show tail or ear biting have a different composition of gut microbes than pigs that do not develop damaging behaviours needs to be tested (reviewed by Brunberg et al., 2016). A recent report showed more lactobacilli in the gut microbiota of pigs that neither bit nor were bitten compared to biters and victims (Rabhi et al., 2020).

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