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4.2 Behaviour

4.2.4 Closing remarks on behaviour

Ideally, the sample sizes would have been larger, and more trials would have been run over a longer period of time in both experiments. More and better adjusted problem-solving tasks would also have contributed to get a better understanding of how the sparrows approach a problem.

5 Conclusion and future prospects

To my knowledge, this is the first study comparing the behaviour of the Italian and the Spanish sparrow in a controlled experiment. I found that the Italian sparrow in this setting expresses a more exploratory phenotype than the Spanish sparrow, but the proximate mechanisms for this phenotypical difference remains unknown.

Although the problem-solving experiment yielded inconclusive results, I think that a more solid sample size and some adjustments to the experimental design could give a decent measure of problem-solving performance.

It is hard to draw any conclusions on either species’ cognitive faculties, or how these vary across the species. However, the sparrows’ willingness and different approaches to solve a problem are promising for future studies aiming to measure the problem-solving behaviour of these sparrow species.

The most important next step in the investigation of behavioural character displacement of the Italian sparrow is to compare between-species differences in sympatric populations with those of allopatric populations, and also to look for differences between sympatric and allopatric populations of Italian sparrows. Bigger between-species differences in sympatric populations, and general differences between sympatric and allopatric Italian sparrows would support the hypothesis of behavioural character displacement.

With this preliminary study, I hope to encourage the continuation of this inquiry.


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