• No results found

Analysis of urea in goat milk: Chemical analysis versus FTIR-analysis

The results of G110 showed that milk urea levels analysed by FTIR were higher than milk urea levels analysed by chemical analysis. The two methods showed especially high discrepancy at 225 DIM. In contrast, the results of D174 showed that milk urea levels analysed by FTIR were lower than those analysed chemically. In addition, the numerical differences between chemical analysis and FTIR analysis were larger in G110, compared to results of D174. The discrepancy within and between G110 and D174, indicates that the FTIR method is not calibrated well in regard to urea levels in goat milk. This tie well with the conclusion of Schei (2003), who found that FTIR methods and chemical methods were not satisfactory associated. Similar to the results of G110, Schei (2003) found that the differences between methods were especially pronounced in the last months of lactation. Schei (2003) further on conclude that better calibration of FTIR in regard to goat milk is necessary if to be used in the goat milk industry.


6 Conclusion

This study demonstrates that milk urea levels of Norwegian dairy goats are associated to physiological status, as well as dietary energy and protein measures. A significant effect of lactation stage on milk urea levels were found, probably linked to variation of energy

distribution and protein turnover through lactation. This interpretation is strengthened by the findings of milk urea to be negatively correlated to both milk yield and milk protein

percentage at some stages of lactation. The results indicate that milk urea levels are affected by CP (g/kg DM), PBV (g/kg DM), and g AAT/FEm. The discrepancy between milk urea levels analysed by chemical methods and by analysis, indicates that the FTIR-instrument is not well-calibrated regarding milk urea levels of Norwegian dairy goats.

The findings of this study support that further focus should be directed towards recognizing factors influencing variation in milk urea levels of Norwegian dairy goats. The fact that available methods of milk urea analysis are either time consuming or not well-suited for Norwegian dairy goats, makes it hard to investigate the variations in milk urea levels of Norwegian dairy goats. In order to increase further research feasibility, a better calibration of FTIR-instrument is appropriate. With improved methods of milk urea analysis and further research, milk urea levels have a great potential to be used as an indicator of efficiency in protein metabolization of Norwegian dairy goats. Having a clear metric of efficiency in protein metabolization of Norwegian dairy goats, would be an important contributor

concerning both economy in production, as well as issues related to Norway’s self-sufficiency and reduced environmental pollutions.


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