• No results found

Alternative models

6.1 Further work

6.1.2 Alternative models

of 5 141 NOK.

My model gives a good description of costs and income from a solar farm. It should be modied if the conditions are changed. With a good estimate of the parameters, it can tell if the investment is protable. But what's likely most important, is that it provides guidance on how the farm should be congured.

6.1. FURTHER WORK 79 decreasing with increased production, such that you want to spread the production more throughout the day.

There are numerous dierent solvers, design and parameter possibilities. All the possible cases could be considered for the individual location and customized to the specic use. The dierent cases could be modelled into an optimization problem and could be interesting continuations of this thesis.


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Appendix A


A = maximum height above ground As = Area of the row covered by shade Ci = Annual income

D = Space between the rows

E = Clearance between the panels and the ground ep = Electricity price

Fdsh = Ratio between diuse irradiance on an un-shaded plane and a shaded plane Frsh = Ratio between reected irradiance on an un-shaded plane and a shaded plane GA = Genetic algorithm

H = Height of row

Hs = Height of shadow on the shaded rows I = Irradiance

Ib = Beam irradiance

Ib,T = Beam irradiance on tilted panel

Ib,Tsh = Beam irradiance on tilted and shaded panel Id = Diuse irradiance

Id,T = Diuse irradiance on tilted panel

Id,Tsh = Diuse irradiance on tilted and shaded panel Ir = Reected irradiance

Ir,T = Reected irradiance on tilted panel

Ir,Tsh = Reected irradiance on tilted and shaded panel I0 = Initial investment

K = Number of rows


L = Length of row

Ls = Length of shadow on the shaded rows mc = Annual maintenance cost

n = Day of the year

N OK = Norwegian kroner p = Percent discount rate pp = Price of installed PV

ppm = Price of installed PV included maintenance Q = Total irradiance on the panels (Wh)

qb = Beam irradiance (W h/m2) qd = Diuse irradiance (W h/m2) qr = Reected irradiance (W h/m2)

qbsh = Beam irradiance on a shaded panel (W h/m2) qdsh = Diuse irradiance on a shaded panel (W h/m2) qrsh = Reected irradiance on a shaded panel (W h/m2)

Rb = Relation between beam irradiance on a horizontal plane and on a tilted plane Rd= Relation between diuse irradiance on a horizontal plane and on a tilted plane T = Temperature

W = Width of eld W p = Watt peak

R = Set of real numbers Z= Set of integers α = Sun's altitude β = Tilt of panels

γ = azimuth angle between the Sun and the panels γc = Panels azimuth

γs = Sun's azimuth δ = Declination η = Eciency

ηpv = Eciency of panels ηinv = Eciency of inverter ηother = Other decreasing factors

θ = Angle between the normal to the panels and the beam irradiance θz = Angle between the horizontal plane and the beam irradiance ρ= Albedo

φ = Latitude of location

89 ω = Hour angle

∆t = time interval