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.Supplementary file 1. Tables. (A) Read count data for a selection of genes expressed in distinct tis-sues. (B) Ten most regulated Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (Categories: Development, Lipid metabo-lism, Molecular transport) in high dose at stages E1-E6. #, number of molecules (C) Ingenuity Pathway Analysis. Top five pathways in low, pulse and high dose at all time points during and after embryonic exposure in the categories: Top canonical pathways, Molecular and cellular functions, Physiological system development and function and Cardiotoxicity. #, number of molecules (D) Ten most up- and down-regulated genes. Genes that are represented among the ten most at more than one stage are collapsed into one row. SP, swissprot; E1-E6, embryonic exposure; L1-L5, larval expo-sure; PMID, PubMed identification. (E) Regulation of differentially expressed genes involved in car-diogenesis SP, swissprot; GB, genebank; FC, fold change; E1-E6, embryonic exposure; C, control; H, high dose. (F) Manually curated list of genes involved in cardiac development and function and cra-niofacial development and bone and cartilage maintenance. SP, swissprot; GB, genebank; Ref, refer-ences; PMID: National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) PubMed identification. (G) List of excitation contraction coupling genes examined. SP, swissprot; GB, genebank. (H) Regulation of differentially expressed genes involved in excitation contraction coupling in exposed haddock. SP, swissprot; GB, genebank; FC, fold change; E1-E6, embryonic exposure; C, control; H, high dose; L1-L5, larval exposure. (I) Regulation of differentially expressed genes involved in craniofacial develop-ment. SP, swissprot; GB, genebank; FC, fold change; E1-E6, embryonic exposure; C, control; H, high dose. (J) Regulation of differentially expressed myosin heavy chain genes. SP, swissprot; GB, gene-bank; FC, fold change; E1-E6, embryonic exposure C, control; H, high dose. (K) Regulation of differ-entially expressed key genes involved in osmoregulation. SP, swissprot; GB, genebank; FC, fold change; E1-E6, embryonic exposure; C, control; H, high dose; L1-L5, larval exposure. (L) Differen-tially expressed genes involved in osmoregulation. SP, swissprot; GB, genebank; IE, increased expression; DE, decreased expression. (M) Genes involved in liver and lateral line development. SP, swissprot; GB, genebank. (N) Primers and probes for real time qPCR. SP, swissprot.

DOI: 10.7554/eLife.20707.019

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