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Local order in high-entropy alloys and associated deuterides – a total scattering and Reverse Monte Carlo study


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Acta Materialia


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Local order in high-entropy alloys and associated deuterides – a total scattering and Reverse Monte Carlo study

Magnus M. Nygård


, Wojciech A. Sławi ´nski


, Gustav Ek


, Magnus H. Sørby


, Martin Sahlberg


, David A. Keen


, Bjørn C. Hauback


aInstitute for Energy Technology, Department for Neutron Materials Characterization, P.O. Box 40, Kjeller NO-2027, Norway

bUniversity of Warsaw, Faculty of Chemistry, Pasteura 1, Warsaw PL-02-093, Poland

cUppsala University, Department of Chemistry – ˚Angström Laboratory, Box 523, Uppsala, SE-75120, Sweden

dISIS Facility, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 0QX, United Kingdom

a rt i c l e i nf o

Article history:

Received 12 May 2020 Revised 12 August 2020 Accepted 18 August 2020 Available online 27 August 2020 Keywords:

High-entropy alloys HEAs

Multi-principal element alloys MPEAs

Metal hydrides Hydrogen storage Total scattering Reverse Monte Carlo RMCProfile

a b s t ra c t

Manyofthematerialsproperties ofhigh-entropy alloys(HEAs), likeincreasedhardness, reducedther- malandelectricalconductivity,andinteresting hydrogenstorageproperties,areproposedtoberelated to local latticedistortions ofthe crystal structuredueto the significantsize differencesbetweenthe elements of thealloy. However, directevidence ofthis effectis verylimitedin the literature,and it thereforeremainsahypothesis.Thisworkpresentsadetailedassessmentofthelocallatticedistortion inthreebody-centered cubic(bcc) HEAsTiVNb, TiVZrNband TiVZrNbHfwithvaryingatomicsize dif- ferencesusingtotalscatteringmeasurementsandReverse MonteCarlostructure modelling.Theanaly- sisindicates thattheamountoflocallatticedistortioninthealloys increaseswiththe elementalsize differencein thealloy. Theamountoflattice distortionisrelieved whendideuterides withCaF2-type structures(Fm3m)areformedfromthebcc(Im3m)HEAs.Analysesofthelocalenvironmentsaroundthe deuteriumatoms revealaninterestingcorrelation betweenthe valence-electronconcentration(VEC)of thenearest-neighbourmetalsand thestabilityoftetrahedralintersticeswithrespecttodeuterium oc- cupation.Moreover,thereisatendencytowardsTi/Nbshort-rangeorderinTiVNbD5.7wherethemixing entropyislowest.InTiVZrNbHfD10,about6%ofthedeuteriumatomsaredisplacedfromthetetrahedral intersticeswithsmallervolumestooctahedralinterstices.

© 2020ActaMaterialiaInc.PublishedbyElsevierLtd.


1. Introduction

Thesignatureofhigh-entropyalloys(HEAs)istheformationof asingle-phasesolidsolutionfrommultipleprincipalelementsina nearlyequimolar mixture. Thecrystalline structures ofthesema- terialsare often simple,e.g., body-centered cubic(bcc) andcubic close-packed(ccp), and as a consequence the elements are ran- domly distributed over a single crystallographic site. Thus, HEAs are significantly disordered materials and it has been suggested thatthesimplestructuresarestabilizedbyalargeentropyofmix- ing.Recently,HEAshaveattractedmuchscientificattentiondueto theirinterestingmaterialspropertiesthatareoftenremarkablydif- ferentcompared tomore conventionalalloys [1–3]. However,the coreprinciplesfromwhichthesepropertiesareusually attributed still remains hypothetical[4]. Forinstance, whenthere is an ap-

Corresponding author.

E-mail address: magnus.sorby@ife.no (M.H. Sørby).

preciable size difference between the elements it seems reason- ablethat there mustbe locallattice distortions [5,6].It hasbeen suggestedthatthiseffectismoresevereinHEAsthanincomposi- tionallylesscomplexalloys[2,7,8].Asimplemeasurethatisoften usedtoindicatetheamountoflatticedistortionis






1−ri r


·100% (1)

where r=N

i=1ciri with




Ni=1 and




Ni=1 asthe concentrations andradiioftheNchemicalspeciesintheHEA,respectively.Inthe presentwork the atomicradii given inTable 1 are used.Indeed, manyexceptionalmaterialspropertieshavebeenattributedtothis latticedistortioneffect.Notableexamplesincludegreatermechani- cal strength,exceptionaltoughness atcryogenictemperatures,in- creased thermal and electrical resistivity and superior hydrogen storageproperties[2–4].Still,itremains anopenchallengetoob- taindirectexperimentalevidenceoftheexpectedlargerdistortions inHEAsascomparedtoconventionalalloys.Thereasonforthisis https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2020.08.045

1359-6454/© 2020 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license. ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ )


Table 1

Valence-electron concentrations VEC and atomic radii for a se- lection of elements. All values are adopted from Ref. [2] .

Element VEC [ ] r [ ˚A]

Ti 4 1.46

V 5 1.32

Cr 6 1.25

Mn 7 1.35

Fe 8 1.24

Co 9 1.25

Ni 10 1.25

Zr 4 1.60

Nb 5 1.43

Hf 4 1.58

relatedto thedifficulty ofobtaining a detailedassessmentofthe localstructure[9].

Inthiscontext,totalscatteringisoneoftheviableoptions for probing the localstructure. Thisis a techniquethat extends reg- ular diffraction and involves additional measurements to obtain an accurate assessment of both the Bragg and diffuse scattering fromthe sample. The sumofthese componentsis knownasthe total scattering structure factor F(Q). Analysis is often performed with the Fourier transform of this function known as the pair- distributionfunction(PDF)G(r)definedas





= N


N j=1


gi j










Ni=1 and bi


i=1 aretheconcentrationsandneutronscat- tering lengthsoftheN distinct chemical specieswithin the scat- teringsystem,respectively.gij(r)arethepartialPDFsdefinedas gi j




= 1



ni j






r2dr (3)





0 is the number densityof species j and nij(r) is thenumberofchemicalspeciesjatdistancesbetweenrandr+dr fromachemicalspeciesoftypei.Thus,thePDFisaweightedhis- togramoftheinteratomicdistancesinthematerial.Inthesefunc- tions,thelatticedistortionisdirectlyobservableasbroadeningand positionalshiftsofthepeaksinthePDF.

Afew studieshaveexplored thelocalstructures ofHEAsfrom a total scatteringperspective [10–12]. In thesestudies, the aver- age structure isgenerally able toexplain mostobserved features in thePDFs,butatr< 4 ˚Athere areoften significantdeviations [10,11].The effectisespecially cleariflargerelements, suchasZr andHf,areincorporatedintotheHEA.Thesepublicationsdemon- strate the presenceof theeffect, butthey are unable toquantify itsextent.Thefirstquantitative assessmentofthelatticestrainin a HEAwasreportedforCrMnFeCoNi [12].Inthiswork,the peaks corresponding tothefirstsixcoordination shellsinthePDF were fittedbyGaussianfunctions,andtheirfullwidthsathalfmaximum (FWHM) were comparedwiththoseobtainedforfiverelated, but compositionally simpler,compounds.Itwasfoundthat thelattice distortionintheHEAwasnotanomalouslylargecomparedtothe other materials.However,theelementsinCrMnFeCoNihavesimi- larsizesasisreflectedby



The presentwork aimsto addresswhethertheamountoflat- tice distortion intensifies with increasing spread in atom sizes.

A quantitative assessment is obtainedfrom Reverse Monte Carlo (RMC) structure modelling to total scattering measurements of threeHEAswithvaryingatomicsize differences,TiVNb(



%), TiVZrNb(


r=6.87%) andTiVZrNbHf (


r=6.96 %).These al- loys also exhibit interesting hydrogen storage properties [13–16].

Inparticular,thehydrogencontentinTiVZrNbHfhasbeenreported toreach[H]/[M]=2.5[13].Thisismuchhigherthaninthebinary hydridesformedfromitsconstituentsandsuggeststhatbothtetra- hedralandoctahedralintersticesaresubstantiallyoccupiedsimul- taneously.Thisisnot commonfor interstitialhydrides.Moreover, hydrides formed from HEAs containing large amounts of Zr and Hfhavebeenobservedtophaseseparate underhydrogendesorp- tion[15,16].Therefore,wealsohopetounderstandwhetherthere areexplanationsforthisinterestingbehaviourhiddeninthelocal structure.

2. Experimental

Two15gsamplesforeachofthenominalcompositionsTiVNb, TiVZrNbandTiVZrNbHf weresynthesised bymelting lumpsofTi (Kurt J. Lesker, 99.99% metals basis), V (ChemPUR, 99.9% met- als basis), Nb (Alfa Aesar, 99.5 %), Zr (Goodfellow, 99.2 % (max 0.8 % Hf) metals basis) and Hf (ChemPUR 99.8 %, metals basis) inan electricarcfurnaceunderAratmosphere.Thesampleswere turnedandremeltedfivetimestoenhancehomogeneity.Themass losseswere inall caseslessthan 0.1wt%,andthus theresultant composition can be considered asvery closeto the nominal.For eachcomposition,onesamplewasfiledtoapowderusingametal file.Thesecond samplewascutintosmallerpieces,placed inside anautoclaveandconnectedtoaSievertsapparatus.The autoclave wasevacuatedandheatedto340Cfor2h. Itwasthenexposed to deuterium gas(2H,purity 99.7%, Air Liquide) at40 bar until therewasnoobservablechangeinthegaspressure.Thefinaldeu- terium contents were determined thermogravimetricallyby heat- ing the obtaineddeuterides in a heat-flux type Netzsch STA 449 F3JupiterapparatusunderflowingArat50mL/min.Thecomposi- tionsweredeterminedasTiVNbD5.7,TiVZrNbD8andTiVZrNbHfD10. Deuteriumwasusedinsteadofhydrogentolimitthelevelofinco- herentscatteringintheneutrontotalscatteringmeasurements.

Theobtainedalloysanddeuterideswere sealedinside0.5mm borosilicateglasscapillariesand5.9mminnerdiameterVcontain- ersfor theX-ray andneutron total scattering measurements, re- spectively.The combinationoftheseprobes wasnecessarytoob- tain sufficient contrast betweenall the elements. The X-ray total scatteringmeasurements wereperformedatthe Swiss-Norwegian beamline(SNBL)BM31attheEuropeanSynchrotronRadiationFa- cility (ESRF) inGrenoble, France.The data wascollected usinga CMOSDEXELA2Ddetector[17]withanX-raywavelengthof0.3171

˚A.Backgroundsubtractionanddatacorrectionwasdoneusingthe programGudrunX[18]toobtainthetotalscatteringfunctionsF(Q), G(r) andD(r) asdefined inRef. [19]. Theneutron totalscattering measurementswere carriedoutattheGEM diffractometeratISIS NeutronandMuonSource,RutherfordAppletonLaboratory,United Kingdom [20]. Each sample was measured at room temperature (RT) for 10h by five detectorbankscentred onscattering angles 154.4,91.3,63.9,35 and18.ThedatausedfortheRietveldre- finementswere generatedforeach detectorbankby Mantid[21]. MeasurementswerealsocarriedoutforanemptyVcontainer,aV- 5.14%Nbrodandtheemptyinstrumentto allowbackgroundsub- traction anddata correction to be performedby standard means usingtheprogramGudrunN[18].Finalcorrectionstotheobtained X-rayandneutron F(Q), G(r) andD(r) were done inthe program StoGdistributedalongsidetheRMCProfilesoftware[22].

Rietveldrefinements were performed withthe software GSAS coupled with the graphical user interface EXPGUI [23,24]. The structures were refined against synchrotronradiation powder X- ray diffraction (SR-PXD) and powder neutron diffraction (PND) patterns simultaneously. The peak shapes were modelled by Thompson–Cox–Hastings pseudo-Voigt functions in the SR-PXD patterns[25]. Thecorresponding peaksinthe PNDpatternswere modelled by a convolution of a pseudo-Voigt function with the


Ikeda–Carpenterfunction[26].Inbothcasesthebackgroundswere modelledwitha12thordershifted-Chebyshevpolynomial.

TheRMCmodellingwasdonewiththedevelopmentversionof the RMCProfile v7 software which will replace the current RM- CProfile v6 [22]. The structures of the alloys were modelled us- ingsupercellsof19× 19×19unitcellscontaining13,718atoms.

ThisenabledustocalculatethePDFsG(r)andD(r)upto30 ˚A.To coverthesamelengthscaleinthecorrespondingdeuteridessuper- cellsmadefrom14×14× 14unit cellswith32,928atomswere used.Atotaloffourfunctionswerefittedforeachprobe,F(Q),G(r), D(r) andtheBragg peak intensities,respectively. Thus,the model wasfittedtoatotalofeightfunctionssimultaneously.Therelative weighting ofthe differentfunctionswas determinedby trial and errorto ensure that the model was fittedwell to them all. Two kindsofmoveswereattempted withequalprobability duringthe modellingprocedure.The first kindallows two metal atomsora deuteriumatomandavacancychosenatrandomto swapplaces.

Thesecond kindallows an atom selectedat randomto be trans- lated a random distance. The maximum distance for translation moveswas0.10 ˚A.

3. Resultsanddiscussion

Fig. 1 shows simultaneous Rietveld refinements of both SR- PXDandPNDpatterns.Thecorrespondingcrystallographicdataare showninTables2and3forthealloysanddeuterides,respectively.

Fromthefigureitisclearthatthescatteringintensityofthealloys isvery weak with neutrons.This is dueto the opposite signs of theneutronscatteringlengthsofTi/V(−3.438fm/−0.3824fm)and

Table 2

Crystallographic data for TiVNb, TiVZrNb and TiVZrNbHf at RT . Estimated standard deviations are given in parentheses.

Compound: TiVNb

Space group: Im 3 m Lattice parameter, a : 3.2050(2) ˚A Unit cell volume, V 0: 32.921(7) ˚A 3 Mass density, ρ: 6.448 g/cm 3 Number density, ρ0: 0.0608 atoms/ ˚A 3

Atom Site x y z U iso Occupancy Ti 2 a 0 0 0 0.0277(12) 1/3 V 2 a 0 0 0 0.0014(9) 1/3 Nb 2 a 0 0 0 0.0102(2) 1/3

Compound: TiVZrNb

Space group: Im 3 m Lattice parameter, a : 3.3067(5) ˚A Unit cell volume, V 0: 36.156(15) ˚A 3 Mass density, ρ: 6.498 g/cm 3 Number density, ρ0: 0.0553 atoms/ ˚A 3

Atom Site x y z U iso Occupancy Ti 2 a 0 0 0 0.03(2) 1/4

V 2 a 0 0 0 0.05(7) 1/4

Zr 2 a 0 0 0 0.02(6) 1/4 Nb 2 a 0 0 0 0.02(7) 1/4

Compound: TiVZrNbHf

Space group: Im 3 m Lattice parameter, a : 3.36466(9) ˚A Unit cell volume, V 0: 38.091(3) ˚A 3 Mass density, ρ: 8.047 g/cm 3 Number density, ρ0: 0.0525 atoms/ ˚A 3

Atom Site x y z U iso Occupancy Ti 2 a 0 0 0 0.0496(13) 1/5

V 2 a 0 0 0 0.2(2) 1/5

Zr 2 a 0 0 0 0.017(4) 1/5 Nb 2 a 0 0 0 0.0169(4) 1/5 Hf 2 a 0 0 0 0.0172(4) 1/5

Table 3

Crystallographic data for TiVNbD 5.7, TiVZrNbD 8and TiVZrNbHfD 10 at RT . Estimated standard deviations are given in parentheses.

Compound: TiVNbD 5.7

Space group: F m 3 m Lattice parameter, a : 4.42369(9) ˚A Unit cell volume, V 0: 86.567(5) ˚A 3 Mass density, ρ: 5.198 g/cm 3 Number density, ρ0: 0.1340 atoms/ ˚A 3

Atom Site x y z U iso Occupancy

Ti 2 a 0 0 0 0.00287(12) 1/3

V 2 a 0 0 0 0.00175(18) 1/3

Nb 2 a 0 0 0 0.00376(5) 1/3

D 8 c 1/4 1/4 1/4 0.01125(4) 0.950(6)

Compound: TiVZrNbD 8

Space group: F m 3 m Lattice parameter, a : 4.5308(2) ˚A Unit cell volume, V 0: 93.007(13) ˚A 3 Mass density, ρ: 5.340 g/cm 3 Number density, ρ0: 0.1290 atoms/ ˚A 3

Atom Site x y z U iso Occupancy

M 2 a 0 0 0 0.0074(2) 1

D 8 c 1/4 1/4 1/4 0.0153(1) 0.99(2)

Compound: TiVZrNbHfD 10

Space group: F m 3 m Lattice parameter, a : 4.57324(6) ˚A Unit cell volume, V 0: 95.647(4) ˚A 3 Mass density, ρ: 6.689 g/cm 3 Number density, ρ0: 0.1255 atoms/ ˚A 3

Atom Site x y z U iso Occupancy

M 2 a 0 0 0 0.00542(12) 1

D 4 b 1/2 1/2 1/2 0.291(7) 0.120(2) D 8 c 1/4 1/4 1/4 0.01150(5) 0.940(1)

Zr/Nb/Hf(7.16fm/ 7.054fm/7.77fm)[27].EvenpeaksfromtheV- canarevisibleinthePNDpatternssincethescatteringintensities fromthealloysareverylow.Thesepeaksarenotpresentintheto- talscatteringstructurefactors F(Q) wherethescatteringfromthe V-canhasbeencorrectedfor.AnFeimpuritythat originatesfrom themetalfileisalsopresentinthePNDpatternofTiVZrNb.These extrapeaksarenotvisibleintheSR-PXDpatternandourRietveld refinement indicates that the masspercentage ofthe impurity is lessthan0.1wt%.Thus, itscontributionto thePDFshould bein- significant.

TheRMCfits totheX-rayandneutronG(r), D(r), F(Q) andthe Bragg peak intensities for TiVZrNb and TiVZrNbD8 are shown in Figs. 2 and 3, respectively. The figures show that the obtained models correspond very well with the measured data. The RMC fitsfortheotheralloysanddeuteridesareofsimilarquality.These fitsareshowninFigs.A.1–A.4inthesupplementaryinformation.

3.1. Order/disorderinthesolidsolutions

Thedegreeoforderinasolidsolutioncanbecharacterizedby thepairwise multicomponentshort-range order(PM-SRO)param- eters[28].Thesearedefinedas


i j




= pi j






i jcj (4)

wherecj isthe concentration of element j inthe alloy,


ij is the Kroneckerdeltafunctionandpij(m)istheprobability ofobserving anelementoftype jinthemthcoordinationshellsurroundingan elementoftypei.Itfollowsthat N

j=1pi j(m)=1foralltheNel- ementsin the alloy,and we note that for an equimolar HEA we havecj=c=1/Nforallelements,j.ThePM-SROparametersindi- catetheamountofdeviationfromacompletelyrandomized solid


Fig. 1. Rietveld refinements of PND and SR-PXD patterns for TiVNb, TiVZrNb and TiVZrNbHf (a) and the corresponding deuterides (b) at RT . Visible peaks from the V-can and an Fe impurity are indicated by downwards and upwards pointing black arrows, respectively.



ii(m)=1correspondstoascenariowherethemthcoor- dinateshellaroundatomsoftypeionlycontainselementsoftype i.


ii(m)=−1/(N−1) impliesthat there are no atoms of type i inthiscoordinationshell.Ontheother hand,


i j(m)=1indicates that there are no atoms of type j in the mth coordination shell around a central atom of type i, and


i j(m)=−(N−1) implies that there are only atoms of type j in thiscoordination shell.In anycase, a completelyrandomizedsolid solution ischaracterized by


i j(m)=0forall i,jandm.The PM-SROparameters obtained fromtheRMCstructuremodelsoftheHEAsareshowninFig.4(a).

Itcanbeseenthat themodelsareveryclosetorandomizedsolid solutions.ThereisasomewhathigherprobabilityforNbtobeco-

ordinatedbyitselfinthefirstcoordinationspheresofTiVZrNb.The sameisobservedforHfinTiVZrNbHf.Nevertheless,thedeviations fromanidealizedsolidsolutionareverysubtlewithrespecttothe limitingscenarios outlined above. Fig. 4(b) presents the PM-SRO parameters fromthe RMCstructure models ofthe corresponding deuterides.For TiVZrNbD8 andTiVZrNbHfD10 the obtainedvalues arecomparabletothose obtainedforthealloys, butinTiVNbD5.7 themodelshowsa slighttendencyofshort-range Ti/Nborder. In particular,there isa higherprobability forTi andNbto becoor- dinatedby a similar element,i.e., Ti by Ti andNb by Nb,in the 4th,8th, 12th,15th,19th,23rd,27th,30thand34thcoordination spheres. Theprobability for Tito be coordinated by Nb,andvice


Fig. 2. RMC fits to the X-ray and neutron total scattering measurements of TiVZrNb.

versa, is reduced correspondingly. Inspectionof the structure re- vealsthatthesecoordinationshellsforma2×2×2face-centered cubicsupercell,asshowninFig.5.ThePM-SROparametersarefar fromthe limitingvalues outlined above, and thus, indicates that theordering is far fromperfect.In particular, it doesnot extend beyondthe34thcoordinationsphere whichcorrespond tolength scalessmallerthan2nm.Itis,therefore,aquitesubtileeffect,but itisinterestingthat itisonlyobservedforthe simplestcomposi- tionwherethemixingentropyisthelowest.


Aseriesofsimulationshaverecentlyrevealedthattheparame- tersofGaussianpeaksfittedtothePDFwillbe dependentonthe relative scatteringlengths of the constituents within the scatter- ingsystem[29].Therefore,theauthorssuggestedthatanaccurate

assessmentofthe lattice distortionshould bebased ona dimen- sionlessstrain-PDFdefinedas:





= N





gi j






This function is easily obtained from the RMC structure mod- els. Fig. 6(a) shows Gaussian functions fitted to the strain-PDF of TiVZrNb. Similar fits were obtained for the other alloys, and Fig. 6(c)presents the obtained FWHM forthe first six coordina- tion shells. It can be seen that the local lattice distortion, asin- dicated by higher FWHM, is significantly higher in TiVZrNband TiVZrNbHf in comparison to TiVNb. Thus, it is confirmed that a larger


rcorrespondstoahigherleveloflocallatticedistortion.A similaranalysiswasundertakenforthemetallatticeinthecorre- spondingdeuteridesusingastrain-PDFcontainingonlythemetal-


Fig. 3. RMC fits to the X-ray and neutron total scattering measurements of TiVZrNbD 8.

metalpartialPDFs.Arepresentativefittosuchafunctionisshown forTiVZrNbD8inFig.6(b),andtheobtainedvaluesfortheFWHM are shownforthefirst sevencoordination shellsinFig.6(d).Itis readily seenthat thetrendis similarto that observedforthe al- loys, but the obtained valuesare lower.Therefore, it seems that theintroductionofdeuteriumrelievessome ofthestrain induced by thedifferentlysized atoms.As aconsequence,when Dis des- orbedfromthesedideuteridesthelevelofstrain isincreased, and itispossiblethatitbecomesenergeticallyfavourableforthecom- pound to phase-separate, asit has been observed forTiVZrNbD8 andTiVZrNbHfD10[15,16].

It should be mentioned that thermal vibrations also cause broadening ofthe peaks inthe PDF. It is impossibleto decouple the static displacements we are interestedin from their dynam- ical counterparts inthe RMC models. The mean-square displace-

ments (msd or Uiso) from thermal vibrations at RT are typically around0.01 ˚A,whichyield aFWHMof around0.24 ˚Ainthe ab- senceofstaticdisplacements(FWHM=2

2ln(2)·msd,assuming normaldistribution).Thisroughlycorresponds totheFWHMsob- servedforTiVNbinFig.6(c),indicatingthattheeffectofstaticlo- cal lattice distortions is small compared to the thermal disorder fortheternary alloy.TheFWHMsforTiVZrNbandTiVZrNbHfare significantlylarger, whichcould beduetoincreasedstaticand/or thermaldisplacements.Thethermalvibrationsinamaterialarere- latedtothemelting pointtemperatureTm.The magnitudeofthe vibrations are to a good approximation comparable formaterials withthe samehomologous temperature, T/Tm.The melting point temperaturesoftheHEAswereestimatedto1801C(TiVNb),1537

C (TiVZrNb), and1559C (TiVZrNbHf) withThermoCalc andthe TCHEA3 database, and thus similar homologous temperatures in


Fig. 4. Pairwise multicomponent short-range order (PM-SRO) parameters for the considered alloys (a) and the associated deuterides (b) extracted from the RMC structure models. The limiting values discussed in the text are indicated by dashed black lines. Coordination spheres where Ti/Nb ordering is observed are marked with numbers for TiVNbD 5.7.

therangeof 0.13–0.15.Therefore,itseems likely thatthese HEAs havesimilar degreeofthermaldisorderandthatthemuchlarger FWHMsinTiVZrNb(




r=6.96%)are duetoalargerdegreeofstaticlocallatticedistortions.


The Rietveld refinement in Fig. 1 shows that the deuterium atoms solely occupy tetrahedral interstices in TiVZrNbD8 with [D]/[M]=2. Thus, this site is fully occupied. Furthermore, in TiVNbD5.7 deuterium is only situated in the tetrahedral inter- stices, but the Rietveld refinement indicates that around 5 % of thesitesareunoccupied.Wehaverecentlyshownthat thestabil- ityof hydrides formed from bcc HEAs decreases when the bulk

valence-electron concentration (VEC) of the alloy increases [16]. It is possible that this effect is present also at the local level, i.e., that deuterium is desorbed from sites surrounded by ele- mentswithhigherVECbeforeothers.Thefractionofoccupiedsites

Noccupied/Ntot withspecific nearest-neighbour environments in the

RMCstructuremodelofTiVNbD5.7 are showninFig.7asafunc- tionofthenearest-neighbours’valence-electronconcentrationVEC. Indeed,thefigureclearlydemonstratesthat theoccupiedfraction is reduced when the average VEC of the nearest-neighbours in- creases. This suggests that the stability of the tetrahedral inter- sticeswithrespecttodeuteriumoccupationaredirectlycorrelated totheavarageVECofthefourcoordinatingmetal atoms. Itisnot possible to establish a similar relationship for TiVZrNbD8 since there are no vacant tetrahedral sites, and thus Noccupied/Ntot=1


Fig. 5. 4 ×4 ×4 face-centered cubic unit cells. The orange atoms are located in co- ordination spheres where there is increased probability of finding Nb around a Nb atom or Ti around a Ti atom according to the RMC structure model of TiVNbD 5.7, i.e. , coordination sphere 4, 8, 12, 15, 19, 23, 27, 30 and 34. These sites form a 2 ×2 ×2 supercell, and one such supercell is outlined with thicker, orange lines.

The numbers on the orange atoms indicate the coordination sphere numbers rela- tive to atom marked "0" in the bottom left corner.

Fig. 7. The fraction of tetrahedral environments that are occupied by D in the RMC structure model of TiVNbD 5.7as a function of the valence-electron concentration VEC of the four nearest neighbour metals. The inset shows a tetrahedron formed by four metals (grey spheres) surrounding a central D atom (green sphere) for refer- ence.

Fig. 6. Gaussian peaks fitted to metal-only strain-PDFs of TiVZrNb (a) and TiVZrNbD 8(b) . Corresponding fits were obtained for TiVNb, TiVZrNbHf and their corresponding deuterides. The full-widths at half maximum (FWHM) from these fits are shown as a function of coordination shell for the alloys and deuterides in (c) and (d) , respectively.


Fig. 8. The distribution of tetrahedral ( ϕ(V tet)) (a) and octahedral ( ϕ(V oct)) (b) interstitial volumes that are vacant (Va) and occupied by deuterium (D) in the RMC structure models of TiVNbD 5.7, TiVZrNbD 8and TiVZrNbHfD 10. The dashed line indicates the Westlake criterion.

for all nearest-neighbour environments. The full D-occupancy in TiVZrNbas opposed to the slight deuterium deficiency in TiVNb canbeduetothehigherVECofthelatter(4.67vs.4.50).

Furthermore,inTiVZrNbHfD10theRietveldrefinementindicates that the tetrahedral interstices are only partially occupied. How- ever,inthiscasetheremainingdeuteriumatomsarenotdesorbed fromthestructure,butratheroccupy12%oftheoctahedralinter- stices.Averyhighhydrogencontentof[H]/[M]=2.5hasbeenre- portedforTiVZrNbHfHx[13].Itmightbepossibletoachievethisin otherHEAsifthemechanismthatenablesthesimultaneousoccu- pationofbothoctahedralandtetrahedralintersticesisunderstood.

Inthiscontext,thereare twoimportantcriteriathatmustbemet toenablehydrogentooccupyaninterstitialsite.Firstly,theSwiten- dickcriterionstates that theminimum distancebetweentwo hy- drogenatomsshouldonaveragebelargerthan2 ˚A[30].Secondly, theWestlakecriteriondictatesthataninterstitialvolumeshouldbe largeenoughtoaccomodateaspherewithradius0.4 ˚A(V=0.268

˚A3)inordertobeaccessibleforhydrogen/deuterium[31,32].These criteriaarerarelyviolated[33].

In thepresentwork theinterstitial volumesthat are occupied by hydrogen are calculated as described by Algorithm 1 in the supplementary information. The results of these calculations are shown in Fig. 8 for sites that are vacant and occupied by deu- teriumintheRMCstructuremodels,respectively.Ingeneral,most ofthe D-occupied interstitial volumesare larger than the West- lake criterion. For TiVNbD5.7 both the occupied and vacant dis- tributionsare centered atthesame value.This indicates thatthe sizeofthetetrahedralintersticeshavenoinfluenceon thestabil- ityofthetetrahedral siteswithrespect todeuterium occupation.

Thus,thedestabilizationmechanismdiscussedaboveissolelydue to the VEC. For TiVZrNbHfD10 the distribution of vacant tetrahe- dral interstitial volumes are shifted towards smaller volumes in the distribution. This indicates a tendency for deuterium atoms

toavoidoccupyingsmallerinterstitialvolumes,i.e.,surroundedby larger elements such as Zr and Hf. It is reassuring that the dis- tribution iscentered atthe Westlake criterion, butthere are still some sites with volumes smaller than 0.268 ˚A3 that are occu- piedbydeuterium.Nevertheless,theWestlakecriterionwasdevel- oped for crystallographic average structures and, therefore,some deviations are expected in a RMC structure model that reflects staticanddynamicatomicdisplacements.Fig.8alsodemonstrates that theoctahedral interstitialvolumesthat arevacant andoccu- pied by deuterium in the RMC structure model ofTiVZrNbHfD10 are centered on the same value. Thus, the displaced deuterium atomsdo not favoureither smalleror larger octahedral volumes.

The distribution of volumes for TiVZrNbHfD10 is comparable to that ofTiVZrNbD8 forwhichthere isno occupancyof octahedral interstices. The interstitial volumes are, therefore, unable to ex- plainwhycertain octahedral interstices arepreferredover others inTiVZrNbHfD10andwhythereisnooccupancyoftheoctahedral interstices inTiVZrNbD8. Nevertheless, thereis a clearindication that deuterium atoms tend to avoid occupationof smaller tetra- hedralvolumesinTiVZrNbHfD10inaccordancewiththeWestlake criterion.

Several attempts have been made to identify the mechanism that enablethe simultaneousoccupation ofoctahedral andtetra- hedral interstices in TiVZrNbHfD10. Unfortunately, no correlation hasbeen determinedwithanyreasonableparameter, i.e.,


r, VEC,

concentrationsofdifferentelementsamongthenearestneighbour metals, etc. Finally we consider the Switendick criterion. The dis- tance between a pair of adjacent tetrahedral and octahedral in- terstices in aface-centered cubic lattice with lattice parameter a is givenby d=√

3/a. Using the lattice parameters in Table3, we findthat d=1.92 ˚A,d=1.96 ˚Aandd=1.98 ˚AinTiVNbD5.7, TiVZrNbD8 and TiVZrNbHfD10, respectively. Even though the dif- ference is small between the three materials, it could explain


why deuterium occuapion of octahedral interstices is possible in TiVZrNbHfandnotinthetwoothercompounds.

4. Conclusions

The present work has explored the average and local struc- tureofTiVNb,TiVZrNbandTiVZrNbHfaswell astheirassociated deuterides withtotalscatteringmeasurementsandRMCstructure modelling.Thealloysformbcccrystalstructures(Im3m)wherethe metals are distributedover a singlecrystallographic sitewithal- mostcompletehomogenityattheatomiclevel.Thecorresponding deuteridesformCaF2-typestructures (Fm3m).Thereisatendency towards short-range order in TiVNbD5.7 where Ti and Nb form 2 × 2 × 2 face-centered cubic supercells. The deuterium atoms solely occupytetrahedralinterstices inTiVNbD5.7 andTiVZrNbD8.

~ 5 % of the tetrahedralinterstices are unoccupied in TiVNbD5.7, andtheprobabilityfora sitetobeunoccupiedincreaseswiththe average VEC of the nearest-neighbour metals. Thus, the stability of the tetrahedral interstices with respect to deuterium occupa- tion are directly correlated to the average VEC of the four coor- dinating metals. In TiVZrNbHfD10, 94 % of the tetrahedral inter- sticesand12%oftheoctahedralintersticesareoccupied.Analysis oftheRMCstructuremodelindicatesthat thereisatendencyfor Dto avoidoccupation ofsmaller, tetrahedral interstitial volumes.


The amount of lattice distortion in the alloys and deuterides has also been evaluated by analyzing strain-PDFs obtained from the RMCstructure models. Ouranalysis indicates that the lattice becomesincreasingly distortedwhenthespreadinatomicsizesis increased.Forinstance,thevaluesobtainedfortheHEATiVZrNbHf (


r=6.96 %) are on average almost twice as large asthose ob- tained for TiVNb (


r=4.29 %). We also observe that the level of distortion issignificantly reduced when deuteriumis incorpo- ratedintothestructure.Thisisproposedasapossibleexplanation to whyTiVZrNbD8 andTiVZrNbHfD10 phase separateswhen deu- teriumisdesorbedfromthesecompositions.


Theauthorsdeclarethattheyhavenoknowncompetingfinan- cialinterestsorpersonalrelationshipsthatcouldhaveappearedto influencetheworkreportedinthispaper.


ThisworkwasfundedbytheNordForskNordicNeutronScience Programmethroughthefunctionalhydrides(FunHy)project(grant number81942).TheauthorsthanktheFunHyconsortiumforpro- ductivediscussionsandthestaff attheSwiss-Norwegianbeamline (BM31) of theEuropean Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) for providingskilfullassistanceduringtheX-raytotalscatteringmea- surements. Martin Sahlberg acknowledges financial support from the Swedish Research Council (grant number2018-03439). Asker Jarlöv and Bruno GuilhermeFischer Eggert are acknowledged for obtainingmeltingpointtemperatureswithThermoCalc.


Supplementary material associated with this article can be found,intheonlineversion,atdoi:10.1016/j.actamat.2020.08.045. References

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