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Årsplan | Annual Plan | 2014


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Årsplan | Annual Plan | 2014

Norsk senter for menneskerettigheter

Norwegian centre for human rights


Research | Forskning


Guiding principles: The Norwegian Centre for Human Rights (NCHR) will continue to develop its nature as a multi-disciplinary. The NCHR is a well-established national pool of knowledge with a strong commitment to disseminate its research on human rights in national and international renowned channels of academic publishing. Staff of the Center is also frequently contributing to the public debate on human rights in Norway. The international programs are highly valued and

represent important activities of the Center. The international programs offer opportunities for fruitful interaction between the academic staff and outreach activities of the programs. Increasingly, we experience positive synergies between the two types of activities, and the international programs provide resources, networks and frameworks for new fields of academic research and collaboration.

Main priorities for 2014

The current three-year NCHR research strategy enters its last year in 2014. A new strategy should be developed in 2014. Two main priorities in 2014 are recruiting high-quality academic staff and develop further the Thematic Working Groups (TWG) as means to organize research and nurture

relationships between the academic staff and the international programs.

From 2014 all permanent academic positions of the Center are on the regular payroll of the Faculty (i.e., paid by the Faculty core budget). This represents a major step of integrating the NCHR academic staff in the Faculty of Law, thereby also strengthening the multi-disciplinary research and teaching at the Faculty. (As short back as in 2009 only 0,5 position was included in the core budget of the Faculty).

In 2013 two permanent academic positions became vacant. Gro Nystuen left her position as

Associate Professor of International Humanitarian Law (IHL), and Professor Andreas Føllesdal took up a new position as Director of the Center for the Study of the Legitimate Roles of the Judiciary in the Global Order (PluriCourts) at the Faculty of Law. Filling these vacancies is a high priority for 2014. In its plan for recruitment of new academic staff in 2014, the Faculty has allocated one new position to the NCHR. The Director has proposed to the Board that the vacant IHL position be announced early in 2014, while working for a new position in the philosophy/political theory of human rights to be announced as soon as possible. This will help maintain NCHR as a truly multi-disciplinary centre, which is in line with statements made by the University Board about the nature of the Centre.

The current three-years research strategy introduced the Thematic Working Groups (TWGs) as a tool to integrate academic research and the activities of the various international programs at the Centre.

The experiences with the TWGs in 2013 are generally good. All TWGs have developed relations to individual researchers and research institutions outside the Center, at the Faculty of Law, with other Norwegian research institutions and internationally. Several TWGs have been very active in

organizing research and public seminars and workshops, and have also worked out research applications for external funding. The TWGs gives an environment for discussing ongoing research


(and help preparing research for publishing), and for discussing and planning new research and research activities (seminars, workshops, conferences).

In 2014, we also prioritize recruitment of new PhD students and Postdocs positions and research proposals for funding by the Norwegian Research Council, the EU research programs and other sources of research funding.

A three-year project funded by Nordforsk (i.e. the Nordic Council) on Methodological Challenges in Human Rights Research enters its final year. The project supports the exchange of PhD students among the member institutions of the nine academic institutions of the project network, and support for doctoral training courses. It also includes a book project on human rights methodologies to be completed in 2014 as a joint venture among researchers from the network institutions.

The Nordic Journal of Human Rights is hosted by the NCHR. After having concluded a new publishing agreement with Routledge, taking effect from 2014, the Journal is well prepared to meet and fulfil its ambition of being a high-quality international periodical, and provides an important possible channel for publishing for staff at the Center and Faculty.

Research- and dissemination funds available within the Framework Agreement with the MFA help to strengthen research and teaching capacities of the Center. This corresponds with the research policy of the Faculty.

Research Administration and Dissemination

Goal: An increased number of high quality publications by present staff, often referred to by the Universitets–og Høgskolerådet as ’Nivå 2’.

Activity: PhD candidates and scholars are offered an opportunity to present and discuss their own work with peers in the Monday Lunches, in Thematic Working Group meetings or with invited guest lecturers.

In charge: TWG leaders, Head of Research, research advisor

Costs: Possible costs related to travel and board for interesting guests who can contribute to the subject matters.

Cost coverage: Funding can be sought from internal research funds. We give priority to scholars who have a relation to the PhD candidates’ and researchers’ projects. The Director decides.

Goal: The TWGs should be provided with a more substantial manner of management, technical- administrative assistance, and economic transparency and predictability. Plus continued communication between the research and international programme communities.

Activity: Coordination of activities concerning the “research and dissemination allocation” within the agreement framework between the MFA and the NCHR.

In charge: TWG leaders, Head of Research, Head of international programmes, research advisor Costs: Possible costs related larger budgetary allocations to these tasks.

Period: Throughout the year.

Activity: Reporting on research funded by NFR and NordForsk.

In charge: Subject supervision: the Project Leader of the various projects. Administrative supervision:


The research advisor.

Period: Throughout the year.

Activity: Apply for and participate in domestic and international research projects.

In charge: Various NCHR scientists, Head of Research / Administrative support.by the research advisor.

Funding: The Norwegian Research Council, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, NordForsk, other agencies and the EU.

Period: Throughout the year.

Activity: To arrange monthly Research Committee Meetings (Forskningsutvalgsmøter, FU).

In charge: Head of Research and the Director / Administrative support: The research advisor.

Period: Throughout the year.

Activity: Participate in the Law Faculty’s admin monthly research meetings – FANE.

In charge: the research advisor.

Period: Throughout the year.

Activity: Execute announcements and allocation of funding from the FU-pott.

In charge: the research advisor.

Period: Twice yearly.

Phd Scholars

Activity: Conduct discussions/meetings between PhD scholars and the Head of Research In charge: the research advisor.

Period: Throughout the year, but mainly at the beginning of each semester.

Activity: Collecting of progress reports at the end of the year and organize subsequent discussions between the Director/Head of Research.

Result: Improved subject matter environment and higher degree of completion of doctoral theses.

In charge: Substance: Head of Research and the Director. Administrative supervision: The research advisor.

Period: January 2014, November 2014 – January 2015.

Activity: Facilitate half-way evaluations (midtveisevaluering).

In charge: Head of Research, administrative supervision: the research advisor.

Period: Throughout the year.

Activity: Direct supervision on PhD projects that are in danger of being delayed or abandoned.

Result: Completion of PhD projects which are / have been connected to NCHR.

In charge: Substance: the supervisor and the Head of Research. Administration: The research advisor Period: Throughout the year.

Norwegian and international networks

Activity: Academic and administrative charge of the NordForsk-funded network Methodological Challenges in Human Rights Research. Organise one phd course and conclude work on the planned book about HR Methodology.


In charge: Substance: the Director and the Head of Research. Administration: The research advisor Funding: NordForsk.

Teaching, education | Undervisning


Masterstudiet Master of Philosophy in The Theory and Practice of Human Rights er ved årsskiftet 2013/2014 SMRs viktigste undervisningstiltak utover den undervisning den enkelte ansatte bidrar med på øvrige studieprogrammer ved UiO. Informasjon om masterstudiet følger nedenfor.

Informasjon om de øvrige undervisningstiltak er listet opp i de ulike kapitler i årsplanen–se særlig under Internasjonale programmer og Nasjonal institusjon.

Å sikre den nødvendige forskningsbaserte undervisningskapasitet for å gjennomføre Masterprogrammet og Sommerskolen vil fortsatt være den sentrale prioritet for senteret.

Det er bred enighet om at det er naturlig at fagansvaret for den obligatoriske

menneskerettighetsundervisningen samt valgfaget i menneskerettigheter som inngår i den juridiske mastergraden, i sin helhet overtas av SMR, og at avklaringen om dette kommer tidlig i 2014.

Undervisningsforpliktelser til ansatte fra andre disipliner enn jus og som ikke kan innfris gjennom SMR eller andre av fakultetets enheter alene bør tilbys andre fakulteter, basert på avtaler mellom Juridisk fakultet og andre fakulteter.

Årsplan for Masterprogrammet 2013

Kullet som begynte ved masterprogrammet høsten 2010 fulgte et nytt og revidert program. Siden har opptak skjedd årlig og kullene har vært begrenset til ca 20 studenter. SMRs masterprogram består for tiden av fem obligatoriske og seks valgfrie 10-poengskurs foruten en 30-poengs oppgave. Fra og med kullet 2011/12 har de obligatoriske kursene også innbeattet en praksisperiode (som teller som et 10- poengskurs) hvor studenten tilbringer seks uker eller mer i en norsk eller utenlandsk


Generelt har revisjonen som ble innledet i 2010 tatt sikte på å skape en bedre balanse mellom juridiske og andre perspektiver på menneskerettighetene - altså økt tverrfaglighet - samt å styrke praksis-aspektet ved programmet også i de enkelte kursene. Det er fortsatt et mål å integrere programmet bedre i SMRs løpende virksomhet, blant annet gjennom å utnytte den samlede stabens personalressurser samt gjennom tilgangen til forskningserfaring SMRs øvrige aktiviteter gir.

Samtidig er det et permanent mål å utvikle nye kurs i programmet, i pakt med stabens kompetanse og forskningsinteresser, så vel som ut fra studentmassens og samfunnets etterspørsel.


Kurs i menneskerettigheter - UiOs Internasjonal sommerskole

Siden 2010 har SMR arrangert et eget kurs til bruk ved UiOs internasjonale sommerskole (ISS). Som de andre kursene ved ISS går ISSJF 4711 Human Rights over seks uker, gir 15 studiepoeng og tar opp ca 20 studenter fra hele verden.

Kurset gir en grunnleggende innføring i det internasjonale menneskerettighetssystemet, i menneskerettigheter som internasjonal lov og deres historie og filosofi ut fra juridiske så vel som humanistiske og samfunnsvitenskapelige perspektiver. Kurset blir gitt for femte gang i 2014.

Kurset er selvfinansierende.

Ansvarlig faglærer: XX.

Periode: Juni-juli 2014.

Introduksjonskurs i internasjonale menneskerettigheter

Dette femdagers kurset omfatter en grunnleggende introduksjon i det internasjonale menneskerettighetssystemet, de enkelte rettigheter og rettighetsfelt, samt i overvåking og

gjennomføring. Kurset omfatter også innledninger fra senterets biblioteksfaglige stab når det gjelder tilgang litteratur og kilder relevante for de tema som tas opp under kurset. Målgruppen er erfarne menneskerettighetsaktører med behov for økte kunnskaper om internasjonale menneskerettslige standarder. Kurset er selvfinansierende.

Ansvarlig faglærer: XX.

Periode: Høst 2014.

Kurs i menneskerettigheter - UiOs Internasjonal sommerskole

Ansvarlig faglærer: Stener Ekern Periode: Juni- Juli 2014

Internasjonale programmer |

International Applied Programmes


NCHR’s internationally applied programmes aim to promote the respect for and implementation of international human rights and democracy in countries outside Norway through (1) human rights training at university level, (2) research and cooperation on human rights challenges and needs (country, region, globally) with the potential for positive impact, and (3) competence building in Norway to inform international


various long term and comprehensive programmes focusing on specific countries (China, Indonesia and Vietnam) or specific themes in various countries (NORDEM/civil and political rights, SERP/socio, economic and cultural rights) and the Oslo Coalition on Freedom of Religion or Belief.

Additional efforts include support to the international human rights bodies and processes through expert representation and time limited projects. The main thrust of international programmes is to implement relevant and timely projects abroad which through professional, efficient and result oriented activities will have a positive impact on human rights performance in the longer term. While long term positive impact is the decisive factor for involvement, we also aim for this work to both draw on and inform research, education and other core activities at the NCHR. International programmes address a variety of human rights topics, but share a common methodological approach. The approach is to pursue research based exchange, dialogue and interaction, targeting actors with the possibility to promote human rights in countries with extensive human rights challenges and willingness to cooperate.

The work in 2014 will give high priority to implementing the last year of three year agreement with the MFA covering China, Indonesia, Vietnam, Oslo Coalition and research and dissemination (2012- 2014).

Planning and reporting according to the new format, results based planning, will be focused on.

Increased focus on cross cutting activities between the programmes such as business and human rights and a common approach to receiving guest researcher which creates synergies will continue.

Discussions with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the period after the present framework agreement period will have to be finalized early 2014.

The annual Introductory course in human rights will take place also in 2014. A wider geographical representation among the participants will be explored.

The decision by the law Faculty to terminate the agreement with the MFA on NORDEM from 1.1.2016 requires a good process in identifying a new organizational setup for NORDEM in the future. This work will have high priority in 2014.

Outreach to a wider audience and increased visibility of the activities and results of the international programmes will be strengthened. Inter alia will a report focusing on the overall results achieved in all the programmes will be developed.

The China Autonomy Programme, CAP, enters it’s last year of support from Norad in 2014. Finalizing the programme will be of great importance to the NCHR.

SERP’s future organisation at the NCHR should be discussed.

If a positive response to the SAR, Scholars at risk, applications to the MFA setting up a secretariat will need resources.


UTKAST KH 04.12.13.

SMR har inntil videre status som Norges nasjonale institusjon for menneskerettigheter i henhold til


generalforsamling gitt i de såkalte Paris-prinsippene. Prinsippene oppstiller visse rammer for slike institusjoner og legger spesielt vekt på uavhengighet fra nasjonale myndigheter for å kunne ”fremme og verne om menneskerettighetene”.

Som nasjonal institusjon for menneskerettigheter (NI) skal SMR «bidra til større bevissthet om og bedre oppfyllelse av de internasjonalt vedtatte menneskerettighetene i Norge». Mandatet er nærmere presisert i SMRs vedtekter § 1. En sentral del av arbeidet til Nasjonal institusjon er i henhold til den kongelige resolusjonen å «overvåke menneskerettighetssituasjonen i Norge, særlig gjennom forskningsrapporter og utredninger». Senteret skal videre ha en ”rådgivende funksjon overfor myndigheter og organisasjoner”, ”gi tilbud om utdanning” og informere om

menneskerettigheter” i Norge. Senteret «skal ikke behandle enkeltsaker, men henvise til eksisterende ombudsordninger, rettsapparatet eller frivillige organisasjoner».

Årsplanen for 2014 vil bli diskutert på NIs årsplanseminar 11-12.desember.

Diskusjon om prioriteringer i 2014, vil vurdere følgende:

1. NI reetablering utenfor UiO/SMR – virksomhetsoverdragelse og nye rammebetingelser - Politiske beslutninger: Kunnskapsbaserte innspill og påvirkningsarbeid som sikrer en ny NI med

best mulige rammebetingelser for å fremme respekt for mr i Norge, så snart som mulig;

- UiOs videreføring av NI: Påvirkningsarbeid for at UiO etterlever rektors løfte fra 1.7.2011 (gjentatt i møte med UMIN 16.11.2012) om at «SMR vil fungere som NI etter beste evne i overgangsperioden inntil en ny ordning for Nasjonal institusjon er på plass»;

- Virksomhetsoverdragelse: Tilrettelegging og medvirkning til overdragelse så snart som mulig.

2. Videreføre NIs løpende virksomhet innenfor rammen av tilgjengelig kapasitet

Må vurderes nærmere gitt redusert bemanning og manglende/sterkt begrenset mulighet til nyrekruttering. Førsteprioritet vil bli gitt til Årbok 2013, grunnlovsstyrking, UPR og løpende datainnsamling 2014, i tillegg til Lovdata-prosjektet.

Monitorering/overvåking, herunder - løpende datainnsamling for 2014,

- Årbok om menneskerettigheter i Norge 2013,

- faktaark på spesifikke temaområder identifisert og kartlagt som problematiske, - faktaark på alle hovedtemaer så langt mulig

Tematiske prioriteringer, herunder

- Styrking av menneskerettigheter i grunnloven, - Rettigheter for eldre

- Oppfølging så langt mulig av tema tidligere identifisert/kartlagt Internasjonal rapportering, herunder

- UPR, høring av Norge i mai 2014

- Annen internasjonal rapportering så langt mulig


Øvrige virkemidler for å fremme kunnskap om og gjennomføring av mr, herunder - webinformasjon, fokuseres gitt begrenset bruk av øvrige virkemidler

- samarbeid nasjonalt og internasjonalt videreføres (RU, ombudsmøter, ICC og ENNHRI) - Andre virkemidler vurderes fortløpende (høringsuttalelser, seminarer, påvirkningsarbeid, mr-


Lovdata/EMD-prosjektet, herunder - videreføring under ny kontrakt i 2014

- avklaring av om prosjektet videreføres ved NI eller SMR etter utskillelse



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