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OIC is the name of lamp


Academic year: 2022

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Choice is the core concept in this design. With choice, the light can be changed beween task light and reflect light. With choice, the lamp can access space in different ways.

OIC is the name of lamp. It doesn't mean anything by its own, While it is the part of the word "Choice". It hint

"choice" and it implies the lamp has choices and possibilities.




“How can these dynamic daylight qualities best be translated into electrical lighting design concepts?” Our hypothesis is that much of the natural variation in light and the

Figure 3.6: Example of the raw output from the 80E2 irradiance sensors when measuring light from the standard calibration lamp used in our laboratory experiments.. The output from

[ 58 ] On the basis of thirteen events of in situ Cluster ob- servations from the reconnection region we have examined whether magnetotail reconnection can produce the

However, a shift in research and policy focus on the European Arctic from state security to human and regional security, as well as an increased attention towards non-military

It is a difficult task to summarise all the different and important points addressed in this document. However, some general conclusions can be drawn. The choice

Future research should also test if the degree of avoidance from areas with higher levels of background polarized light is correlated with transparency in the unpolarized

In theoretical terms we contend that that arguments for introduction of choice can be seen in the light of at least two sets of theoretical notions namely ideas of a switch

Either only light sources and viewer are rotated, or the data cube is rotated while light source and the viewer are fixed [7].. The fll"St choice has the advantage that