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Boston, Baltim ore, Philadelphia & Newport News, Havana (Cuba), Vera Cruz (Mexico), New Orleans,. Galveston &

In India, organizations namely the Center for mu- sic therapy education and research, Chennai school of music therapy, Nada center for music therapy, and the Indian association of

Chestnut Hill, MA: TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center, Lynch School of Education, Boston College..

To compare the Directorate for Education and Training´s thoughts about the design of the National Leadership Education for School Principals with international practice,

Several of the institutes have very extensive international collaboration: The Department of Financial Economics at the Norwegian School of Management - BI, Agder University College,

Lynch skrev The Image of the City i 1960, som oppsummerer under- søkelser fra tre amerikanske byer (Boston, Jersey City og Los Angeles). Lynch hevdet at bilder og oppfatninger er

(A W Bell MSW), Tufts Medical Center, Boston, MA, USA; Nuffield Department of Population Health (D A Bennett PhD, B Lacey PhD), University of Oxford, Oxford, UK; Department

Yael HARLAP University of Bergen NO yael.harlap@psyip.uib.no Hanne HAUGLI National Centre for Multicultural Education (NAFO) NO hanne.haugli@hioa.no